Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not. I'm justified by grace alone through faith alone. No preacher no Reverend no church no bible no proven failed liberal ideology necessary.


The Nim
The problem I have is not so much that american citizens died in a foreign land. The problem I have is this was an embassy on foreign soil not in an active declared military action against the US. I don't like if soldiers die on the battlefield but I accept it's a battlefield. An embassy is not a battlefield. Protest it, throw a few rocks at it fine, but to attack and murder the people inside, to me is an act of war upon the country that the embassy is for.

If the US military just attacked and killed everyone inside an embassy on US soil do you really think for a minute that the country that embassy represented would just sit back and say "what does it matter?" Or hell anything that might imply they don't have a problem with it. I would fully expect the country to threaten military response on the spot.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think your logic plays better in the right wing echo chamber it was born in.
Very very closed minded in a discussion to just slam someone with your liberal logic. And I really expected more out of you. Take a discussion, and turn it into an attack of my thought process. But that's what you do when you got nothing better to say I guess.


Staff member
The problem I have is not so much that american citizens died in a foreign land. The problem I have is this was an embassy on foreign soil not in an active declared military action against the US. I don't like if soldiers die on the battlefield but I accept it's a battlefield. An embassy is not a battlefield. Protest it, throw a few rocks at it fine, but to attack and murder the people inside, to me is an act of war upon the country that the embassy is for.

If the US military just attacked and killed everyone inside an embassy on US soil do you really think for a minute that the country that embassy represented would just sit back and say "what does it matter?" Or hell anything that might imply they don't have a problem with it. I would fully expect the country to threaten military response on the spot.

But if an embassy is not a battlefield, why the expectation of a full military response? And if an embassy is attacked, do you really believe a full scale war is worth it? I believe all options were considered and none were immediately able to achieve the desired goal. But considering Obama's extensive use of drones, I wouldn't doubt for a moment that intelligence is being gathered and plans are being put into place. Remember that this was an act of terrorism and Obama may be patient, but he has been anything but weak when dealing with such acts. I don't believe it has been forgotten but I don't see Obama telegraphing any indication to friend or foe that the attack will go unpunished.


Well-Known Member
But if an embassy is not a battlefield, why the expectation of a full military response?

Especially from an administration that thinks it can defend American citizens as well as American interests with diplomacy while being shot at? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
C'mon wake up already! This peace-nic presidency has just been horribly WRONG about simply defending our Ambassadors, and LYING about the reasons why they completely blew it over there!

​But thats ok....the economy is "slowly growing" and the Stock Market has never looked better? Hypocrite.


Staff member
Especially from an administration that thinks it can defend American citizens as well as American interests with diplomacy while being shot at? Seriously?

Look at the record. America is not ready to invade another country again for a terrorist attack. They will, however, shrug their shoulders at a terrorist meeting his timely death at the burning end of a hellfire missile. "Seriously?". Yes. Seriously.


Staff member
You refuse to view the record. Ok.
C'mon wake up already! This peace-nic presidency has just been horribly WRONG about simply defending our Ambassadors, and LYING about the reasons why they completely blew it over there!

​But thats ok....the economy is "slowly growing" and the Stock Market has never looked better? Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Look at the record. America is not ready to invade another country again for a terrorist attack. They will, however, shrug their shoulders at a terrorist meeting his timely death at the burning end of a hellfire missile. "Seriously?". Yes. Seriously.

So lie to family members of dead patriots about a youtube vid, and call it a phony scandal.... no change here either, got it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So lie to family members of dead patriots about a youtube vid, and call it a phony scandal.... no change here either, got it.

UPSMULE! You win the "beating a dead horse" award!


Staff member
So lie to family members of dead patriots about a youtube vid, and call it a phony scandal.... no change here either, got it.

You and others like to claim that Obama has left in place the Bush apparatus for dealing with terrorism and then complain that he is doing nothing. You are fixated on the attack while the administration is prosecuting the war.


Well-Known Member
You and others like to claim that Obama has left in place the Bush apparatus for dealing with terrorism and then complain that he is doing nothing. You are fixated on the attack while the administration is lying.

​There, fixed it for ya.