I'll pitch a bitch about Americans and American problems......our borders, our VA Hospitals , our lack of jobs, etc. The rest of the world can solve their own problems.......or they can have (not borrow, but have) John Kerry.
Your outrage is as genuine as your "individual" thought process.
You were silent on every other embassy attack during BUSH, you were silent when our country was left unguarded and BUSH allowed airplanes to hit the USA, you were silent when Pat Tillman was killed, you were silent when BUSH sent "UNARMORED VEHICLES" into IRAQ and soldiers were killed in them, you were silent when Donald Rumsfeld screwed up the IRAQ war and thousands of soldiers were being killed, you were silent when dick cheneys Haliburton was ripping off the US Government for billions of dollars in NO BID contracts, you were silent when Attorney General Gonzalez was operating gun running scams into mexico, you were silent when paul wolfowitz was stealing money from the world bank and had a libyan girlfriend he was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to.
The list is endless with subjects that required "OUTRAGE", yet you were silent.
Today, In 2014, you want to be out front with your outrage??