Embassy Attacks


Strength through joy
‘Most Transparent Administration Ever™’—Obama Administration Makes Mockery of Open Government
“[T]he government more than ever censored materials it turned over or fully denied access to them, in 244,675 cases or 36 percent of all requests. On 196,034 other occasions, the government said it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the government determined the request to be unreasonable or improper,” according to the AP.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
‘Most Transparent Administration Ever™’—Obama Administration Makes Mockery of Open Government
“[T]he government more than ever censored materials it turned over or fully denied access to them, in 244,675 cases or 36 percent of all requests. On 196,034 other occasions, the government said it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the government determined the request to be unreasonable or improper,” according to the AP.

The BUSH administration refused to turn over hundreds of thousands of documents for 8 years.


The biggest being the telecom scandal where BUSH spied on americans.



golden ticket member
Everything in the past.....your guy has been in office since 2008........just existing gets him a pass. Like voting "Present". That's how he rolls.


golden ticket member
You lying p.o.s. Prove it!!

Prove it. Prove that’s what they said and meant, and that’s not just another crazy train lie that you are fond of telling. “Not to take us down this road again” may mean they don’t want an investigation that is just going to go nowhere due to all the stalling and cover-up.

Pretty sure it wasn’t Pat Smith (you can see Charles Woods in the background of this video as Eric Nordstrum testifies that “it matters to the families”).

don’t know what Glen Doherty’s family, who hasn’t yet received his death benefit or insurance, or the family of Ambassador Stevens think, they haven’t expressed themselves publicly on this and unlike Nancy, I wouldn’t try to put words in their mouths.
It is indisputable that at least some of the families are on the record saying they want answers.
So you put up or shut up, and stop trying to cover-up for this reprehensible regime.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You lying p.o.s. Prove it!!

Prove it. Prove that’s what they said and meant, and that’s not just another crazy train lie that you are fond of telling. “Not to take us down this road again” may mean they don’t want an investigation that is just going to go nowhere due to all the stalling and cover-up.

Pretty sure it wasn’t Pat Smith (you can see Charles Woods in the background of this video as Eric Nordstrum testifies that “it matters to the families”).

don’t know what Glen Doherty’s family, who hasn’t yet received his death benefit or insurance, or the family of Ambassador Stevens think, they haven’t expressed themselves publicly on this and unlike , I wouldn’t try to put words in their mouths.
It is indisputable that at least some of the families are on the record saying they want answers.
So you put up or shut up, and stop trying to cover-up for this reprehensible regime.

These hearings are nothing more than a political stunt, designed to carry on through the midterm elections. This way, it keeps the story in the headlines, at least, the FOX news headlines for the drones.

After the midterms, these hearings will end with nothing, just like every other hearing the GOP has conducted since 2011.

A dog and pony show for those inclined to believe everything they hear on FOX news.

The GOP in a conspiracy with FOX news, will work hand in hand to provide soundbites and empty questions for video clips.

Just like every other hearing, it will be carefully prepared questions that make the fodder for the FOX morning shows, and then FOX will run the question and not the answer.

It just sounds better that way.

A lot of loud shouting at witnesses, but no meat.

At the end of the day, it will cost the taxpayers MILLIONS to find out nothing more than they know today.



Well-Known Member
It's a little hard to take the 'outrage' over Benghazi seriously.

There's already been hearings, committees, etc.

Nothing new will be uncovered, there are no smoking guns, have fun and waste more time getting nothing done in government.

And, honestly, it's a little hard to take the 'outrage' seriously because where was your outrage when similar embassy attacks happened under the Bush or Clinton presidencies?

Not 'blaming' Bush, just saying.

Where was the outrage then?

Where was it?

Oh, right...


nowhere special
Bush never lied or tried to cover up any attacks. Clinton lied but about other things. Not even close to the same situation as with Obama. Of course its just an automatic response for some people to attempt to use their "Bush" card.


Well-Known Member
So, let's see...

Let's have a bunch more hearings so we can figure out the the government got caught with their pants down.


I'm not sure what the current administration lied about or tried to cover up, except for the CIA involvement in the whole affair, which, by definition, will remain secret and no amount of hearings will uncover.

By the way, I'm not overly fond of Obama, in the same way that I'm wasn't overly fond of Bush.

But if your assertion is that the Bush administration never lied or covered up anything, I'm taking you even less seriously than before.


nowhere special
Obama did get caught with his pants down. It just took this long to finally get the proof because of his attempts to cover it up. Its just a question of finding out how deep the rot goes. And what did Bush lie or try to cover up? If you want to toss out the usual talking points like Iraq that was authorized by Congress and voted for by most Democrats as well as Republicans.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
First off, it was not an embassy, it was a CIA outpost, when the ambassador visits, it's called a consulate. Secondly. Ambassador Stevens turned down additional security.

If you want actual US Embassy attacks, not counting Beirut under Reagan, when he cut and ran, try this, hypocrite:

June 14, 2002, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide bomber kills 12 and injures 51.
February 20, 2003, international diplomatic compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Truck bomb kills 17.

February 28, 2003, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Gunmen on motorcycles killed two consulate guards.

July 30, 2004, U.S. embassy in Taskkent, Uzbekistan
Suicide bomber kills two.

December 6, 2004, U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Militants stormed and occupied perimeter wall. Five killed, 10 wounded.

March 2, 2006, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomate directly targeted by the assailants.

September 12, 2006, U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria
Gunmen attacked embassy with grenades, automatic weapons, and a car bomb (though second truck bomb failed to detonate). One killed and 13 wounded.

January 12, 2007, U.S. embassy in Athens, Greece
A rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the embassy building. No one was injured.

July 9, 2008, U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey
Armed men attacked consulate with pistols and shotguns. Three policemen killed.

March 18, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Mortar attack misses embassy, hits nearby girls' school instead.

September 17, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Militants dressed as policemen attacked the embassy with RPGs, rifles, grenades and car bombs. Six Yemeni soldiers and seven civilians were killed. Sixteen more were injured.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Fair use excerpt:

The creation of a House committee to study the attack on Benghazi raises the troubling question of why Congress has never bothered to scrutinize to the invasion of Iraq.
When I heard that the House of Representatives has established a select committee to investigate the attack on Benghazi that left several Americans dead in 2012, I couldn't help but wonder what these same legislators might have done had Barack Obama been president in 2003, and had the audacity of George W. Bush to attack a sovereign country that had no relevant connection to the 9/11 attacks with the result that nearly 5,000 Americans and well over 100,000 Iraqi civilians (many of them women and children) perished. Had Obama’s war in Iraq also cost American taxpayers $1.7 trillion, with another $490 in veteran expenses (thus far)—with a total cost of $6 trillion projected—I have no doubt that a select committee would long ago have sent him to the Hague for trial as a war criminal.

It’s sad to think how in our fury over Benghazi we’ve almost forgotten a recent war that destroyed so many families, nearly bankrupted this country (and may yet), and led to a hugely destabilized Iraq that no longer serves as a buffer to Iran. Needless to say, this terrible war was pursued under false pretenses, with huge amounts of government corruption—Houston-based company KBR alone (a spinoff from Halliburton, where Dick Cheney was chairman and CEO before becoming vice president) racked up charges of nearly $40 billion during the war, making it (by far) the winner in the Iraq sweepstakes. In most banana republics, this would be cause for serious investigation; but not so much here, where our politicians (or their friends) are allowed to profit from armed invasions. Can it possibly be so that the U.S. Congress has ignored such obvious corruption while investigating over and over whether Susan Rice was given some edited “talking points” on Benghazi? Really?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bush never lied or tried to cover up any attacks. Clinton lied but about other things. Not even close to the same situation as with Obama. Of course its just an automatic response for some people to attempt to use their "Bush" card.

YA BUSH never lied. Its amazing to hear stuff like this. The facts bear out differently my friend.

Weapons of mass destruction first. (lie)

Failed intel on the 9/11 attacks that got 2000 americans killed on US soil. (Condoliar Rice had her signature on intelligence reports indicating airplanes would be used, she said she never heard such a thing.) (LIE)

Torture of prisoners around the world. (Bush denied this was occuring, lie)

Bin Laden is in afghanistan. (Lie)

Pat Tillmans death. (LIE)

The BUSH card is a fact. Hard fact.

BENGAZI is nothing more than a political stunt. If you are dumb enough to tune into this circus expecting anything more than speech making and soundbites, then you are the perfect viewer for fox news.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama did get caught with his pants down. It just took this long to finally get the proof because of his attempts to cover it up. Its just a question of finding out how deep the rot goes. And what did Bush lie or try to cover up? If you want to toss out the usual talking points like Iraq that was authorized by Congress and voted for by most Democrats as well as Republicans.

Its amazing how you people fall for "inferences" without facts. Just because Lindsay ( im not gay ) Graham (*wink) says the white house is covering something up, doesnt mean its true.

No matter what the republicans say on television, they have NO PROOF of ANYTHING and they are doing nothing but throwing out ACCUSATIONS without any facts.

These hearings were called for political puposes and the american public will figure that out. What the republicans want to accomplish is make a ton of accusations, say dozens of claims they cant back up, then go on a fishing expedition looking for something, anything to make a case, even if its a molehill.

The problem is, that most republican followers ( like the ones on this board) cant separate fact from fiction. They "think" they are hearing "facts" when all they are hearing are accusations.

Talk about sheeple.



golden ticket member
....."Weapons of mass destruction first. (lie)....." (tos)

When the leader's intelligence info says there are WMDs.....you believe it. The intelligence was bad, that's not a lie by Bush...Everybody believed it.

Misinterpreting facts is something you practice religiously..........Obama is a great leader (NOT). Obamacare is a great law (NOT). Mooch is a fine flotus (NOT)


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
"Dang if I know...."

This was Susan Rice's professional answer when asked if she thought any new info would come out of the Bengazi hearings.

Really??? That's the national security advisor. What a piece of work!!