nowhere special
Actually JR had to sue to obtain those emails, because the most transparent administration ever refused the FOIA request .
Correct and JR got the emails before Congress did. "Transparent"
Actually JR had to sue to obtain those emails, because the most transparent administration ever refused the FOIA request .
‘Most Transparent Administration Ever™’—Obama Administration Makes Mockery of Open Government
“[T]he government more than ever censored materials it turned over or fully denied access to them, in 244,675 cases or 36 percent of all requests. On 196,034 other occasions, the government said it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the government determined the request to be unreasonable or improper,” according to the AP.
You lying p.o.s. Prove it!!
Prove it. Prove that’s what they said and meant, and that’s not just another crazy train lie that you are fond of telling. “Not to take us down this road again” may mean they don’t want an investigation that is just going to go nowhere due to all the stalling and cover-up.
Pretty sure it wasn’t Pat Smith (you can see Charles Woods in the background of this video as Eric Nordstrum testifies that “it matters to the families”).
don’t know what Glen Doherty’s family, who hasn’t yet received his death benefit or insurance, or the family of Ambassador Stevens think, they haven’t expressed themselves publicly on this and unlike , I wouldn’t try to put words in their mouths.
It is indisputable that at least some of the families are on the record saying they want answers.
So you put up or shut up, and stop trying to cover-up for this reprehensible regime.
Bush never lied or tried to cover up any attacks. Clinton lied but about other things. Not even close to the same situation as with Obama. Of course its just an automatic response for some people to attempt to use their "Bush" card.
Obama did get caught with his pants down. It just took this long to finally get the proof because of his attempts to cover it up. Its just a question of finding out how deep the rot goes. And what did Bush lie or try to cover up? If you want to toss out the usual talking points like Iraq that was authorized by Congress and voted for by most Democrats as well as Republicans.