Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Changing the subject? Start a new thread.
shuck & Jive.....just like ....hmmmmmm

You just dont like it when the facts bear out against you. PAT TILLMANS death was a coverup by the BUSH administration to protect BUSH from the larger failure of the afghanistan war. The White House didnt want to lose the countrys support so they LIED about Tillmans death in a ginormous coverup, but the real question is...


None of you FOX news faithful care because its just not the narrative being sold to you OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER day after day, minute after minute.


DANA PERINO herself came to the podium and LIED for BUSH and the administration when she talked about Tillmans death.

This isnt a derailment, its reality.

You people only want to focus on the B.S. fox news sells..

Who was held responsible for Pat Tillmans death, and who at the pentagon was FIRED for lying about it, and who in the BUSH administration was held responsible for lying about Tillmans death even after they received notice from the pentagon that friendly fire killed PAT TILLMAN?

You people dont care about truths, you only care about what motivates your hate.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dana Perino, one of the biggest liars for the administration, next to the deceased Tony Snow blabs on about "bush not knowing" despite a memo that proves otherwise...




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You want to have endless hearings about a coverup about a death of an american? Then demand someone be held responsible for tillmans death...

Read this crap from BUSH...

Bush asked for updates about Tuesday's hearing by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which was held to learn whether, and when, top Defense officials and the White House knew that Tillman's death resulted from friendly fire.

"It's not clear -- people don't remember -- if he (Bush) heard it from media reports, or if he heard it from the Pentagon, but it was sometime after the funeral," Perino said.

In questioning what the White House knew about Tillman, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., cited a memo written by a top general seven days after Tillman's death, warning that it was "highly possible" the Army Ranger was killed by friendly fire and making clear that his warning should be conveyed to the president.

But Bush made no reference to the way Tillman died in a speech delivered two days after the memo was written in late April 2004.

The White House said there is no indication that Bush received the warning, which was conveyed from then-Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal to Gen. John Abizaid, head of Central Command.

"There is no record of Gen. McChrystal's memo coming to the White House," Perino said.

Sen. John McCain, on his presidential campaign bus in New Hampshire, called the Army's actions in the Tillman case "inexcusable and unconscionable."

"I don't know if there was a cover-up," said McCain, R-Ariz. But he added: "It was way, way too long before the whole story came out."

"I think people should be held accountable, obviously, and we will continue to push that they be held accountable," he said.

Has anything or anyone seen a congressional hearing by Darryl Issa on this issue?? , compared to the millions of dollars wasted on bengazi hearings to nowhere??



Well-Known Member
The old Liberal Play Book ---Point to bad behavior to make bad behavior acceptable.

How about another example of bad behavior ----Watergate --minor break in --no deaths --Cover up ---Nixon Resigns !!!

BenGazi --Obama goes to sleep---not to the situation room--- claims no terror attack---flies to Vegas the next morning --no help sent --Coverup --for weeks upon end --including in front of the U.N. blames a dopey video---American's are Dead including a US Ambassador While Obama apologizes to the people that killed the Americans----Time for Obama to do the right thing ---Resign !!!
Talking points not changed by the White House ----we sent the Republican's all the info ---the emails and info will continue to be pulled from them and there entire Cover up will unravel !!

All done to get re-elected --no terror attacks on my watch !!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Remember this from a year ago?


Fair use excerpt:

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."

The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

The GOP version of Nuland's comment, according to CBS News: The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda."

The White House email: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."


golden ticket member
Democrat Adam Schiff says an investigation is a "colossal waste of time". Obviously, he didn't have any relative killed that night.

He himself is a colossal waste of space, but he's allowed to exist!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This idiots pregame hype will come back to haunt him..

His twin brother would agree with me..

EVERY GOP hearing was prehyped before they commenced, and everyone of them has failed to produce any results.

fast and furious, irs, bengazi all came and went without a single finding of wrong doing, and yet, the GOP wants to extend the life of Bengazi with another hearing, and this time, with TREY GOWDY as the chair.

As if thats going to make any difference.

IT will be the same political speech making by each republican and zero results. Trey Gowdy will yell and accomplish nothing.

FOX will tune when the hearings start, then tune out, when there is nothing to hear other than the opening remarks of each republican who opens their mouths with the days "soundbites" for fox news.

Either way, still a joke on the GOP.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What is even worse, is what Juan Williams pointed out on fox news...

The republicans know that they are WEAK at voter turnout, so they need to drum up scandals to keep their base invovled and hopefully that will result in higher turnout.

They know their message is weak as a party, so why not trump up some phoney scandals that they know the "elderly" faithful will bite into..



nowhere special