The SPLC is wrong so often that nothing they say makes any sense to a rational person .
Only a racist would say something like this.
Do us a favor, stop making it obvious bro.
The SPLC is wrong so often that nothing they say makes any sense to a rational person .
The SPLC is wrong so often that nothing they say makes any sense to a rational person .
After reading your post, I completely agree in your case, the approach you are taking is perfect for you.
I find it hard to take wk as being condescending on these matters even if he is intending to be. People who profess faith in a diety often have a very deep personal reason for their belief. It has more to do with life experience and revelation over time. These experiences are not easily supplanted by wordy authors and philosophical thesis'. I don't know what wk's intentions are, but when I share my religious beliefs and convictions it is not in an effort to convert nor an effort to impress. It is simply what I have come to believe. That doesn't mean others need to do the same or that they are going to hell. And if they feel some moral or intellectual superiority due to their belief system, well I can honestly say I've never lost a moments sleep over their self appraised worth.This is the main reason I limit my interactions with you. upschuck presented his side of the story in a clear, cohesive manner and when you suggested that he dig a bit deeper in to the issue and he politely declined you condescendingly responded with the post I quoted above.
I do hope that you are careful when climbing down from your intellectual pedestal and thank you so much for allowing us to wallow in your intellectual mire.
There already is one. Blacks are offing each other at an alarming rate.
Woman Calls for Race War at Scene of Church Shooting
There already is one. Blacks are offing each other at an alarming rate.
You attempt to project a narrative that Republicans think it's OK that blacks kill each other but it's the left's reactions and actions indicate that they are the ones that are fine with such a disturbing statistic.This is true, but it would be an internal war among blacks, not a true race war. The Right Wing Machine has dictated that the strategy to deflect away from the church shooting is to point out the hypocrisy of the murder rate in predominately black areas. The trouble is, black on black violence is OK for you folks, because they're killing each other off. It really isn't analogous to some white neo-Confederate conspiring to start a race war. Not black on black, but black vs. white. See the difference? Every single conservative show I have listened to has pointed out that there have been 1,054 shootings in Chicago this year. All of them. GovernorGoodhair called Charleston a "mistake". He just effectively ended his campaign.
Nobody seems to place any significance on Roof's middle name, which is "Storm". Various forms of "Storm" are associated with white supremacy and neo-Nazi activism.
The idea of "black on black" crime just seems like a dodge.You attempt to project a narrative that Republicans think it's OK that blacks kill each other but it's the left's reactions and actions indicate that they are the ones that are fine with such a disturbing statistic.
Both sides are wrong when they discuss black-on-black violence.You attempt to project a narrative that Republicans think it's OK that blacks kill each other but it's the left's reactions and actions indicate that they are the ones that are fine with such a disturbing statistic.
You attempt to project a narrative that Republicans think it's OK that blacks kill each other but it's the left's reactions and actions indicate that they are the ones that are fine with such a disturbing statistic.
Both sides are wrong when they discuss black-on-black violence.
The liberals think that the way to get blacks to stop killing one another is to simply ban assault weapons and get guns off of the streets.
The conservatives think that the way to get blacks to stop killing one another is to simply kick them all off of welfare, make them get (nonexistent) jobs, and give harsh prison sentences for minor drug offenses.
Neither side has a freaking clue. Both sides are more concerned with simplistic ideology and pandering to their respective bases than they are with addressing the real, underlying sociological issues.
Nobody seems to place any significance on Roof's middle name, which is "Storm". Various forms of "Storm" are associated with white supremacy and neo-Nazi activism.
My nerdy friends alway say this was horrible casting and Storm should have been played by Angela Bassett.![]()
So how does this black woman playing a role of Storm fit your conclusions ?
Only a racist would say something like this.
So how does this black woman playing a role of Storm fit your conclusions ?
The "Storm" you refer to is a fictional super hero.![]()
So how does this black woman playing a role of Storm fit your conclusions ?
The "Storm" you refer to is a fictional super hero.
The "Storm" references that MrFedEx is talking about are real. "Stormfront" is a neo-Nazi white supremacist Internet forum. "Sturmgewher" (Storm rifle) is a WW2-era German assault weapon. "Sturmabteilung" (Storm Detachment) was the SA, the forerunners to the Nazi SS which was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party that carried out the worst atrocities against "untermenchsen" (literally, sub-human) Jews, Russians and Poles during the war. Frequent references to storms is part of the Nazi ideology: the German word "Blitz" (as in "Blitzkrieg") means "lightning", and the gas used in concentration camps to murder Jews was called "Zyklon-B" with "Zyklon" being the German word for "Cyclone" or "Tornado".
There is a reason he picked "Storm" as his middle name.
The sociological issue is that many blacks are CHOOSING to kill other blacks and CHOOSING to be apathetic with their own lives and remain in their current "social status".Both sides are wrong when they discuss black-on-black violence.
The liberals think that the way to get blacks to stop killing one another is to simply ban assault weapons and get guns off of the streets.
The conservatives think that the way to get blacks to stop killing one another is to simply kick them all off of welfare, make them get (nonexistent) jobs, and give harsh prison sentences for minor drug offenses.
Neither side has a freaking clue. Both sides are more concerned with simplistic ideology and pandering to their respective bases than they are with addressing the real, underlying sociological issues.
You can it a dodge. I call it a fact.The idea of "black on black" crime just seems like a dodge.
Yet another circular logic filled garbage post. Hardly worth responding.No. I think that many Republicans do think it's OK that blacks kill each other, but many don't. Liberals aren't fine with it, but a comment like that is about what I'd expect out of you. The Chicago scheme is just a tactic to deflect the talk away from white racism and protecting gun ownership. Rick Perry stepped in it when he tried to placate his gun-toting base with his stupid comment, and most GOP-types like to rationalize away the fact that there are plenty of Roof-types out there. What do you expect in a state that still flies the Confederate flag.