I understand that. I was alluding to your earlier point that we aren't under god but under his evil counterpart's influence. But to your point that god is out of the picture if you will and Satan has free reign. It seems you suggest this began at the fall in Eden, so if this be true then I offer that god himself is thus a liar and use his own word against him.
He claims on Sinai as being the all powerful and only god and there is no other but him. He also proclaims that all comes from him and by no other do these things come. All blessings and all curses come from him.
Isaiah 45 also recommits to this ideal of god being all powerful and the origin from which ALL things come.
NIV Text
In the King James verse 7 states
Uh, who sez they create evil? Sounds like Satan needs a steward to file against Yahweh for doing work contracted to the darkside!
Ironic you argue for a dualistic system and yet God at Sinai and later texts argues against the dualistic ideals of the pagan societies in which Israel came in contact with. These societies create gods who had assigned and divided duties and yet Yahwehism established a single monotheistic god and he alone was god of all creation and none other existed. Now we have returned to the old ideas prior to monotheism.
You should research gnostic chrisitanity of the 2nd and 3rd centuries as they also believed in a god of good and a god of evil. Much of that was borrowed from the neoplatonic idea of
Demiurge and in jewish tradition, the creator god in Yaldabaoth.
Marcion from whom we can thank for what became the list of books that make up the NT also accepted this Neoplatonic idea of god.