Again I'm asking you for details about his family upbringing .
What are your sources ?
My family upbringing isnt the isnt the issue on this thread. What is important is the racial undertones of white america and little white trash like this young man.
Its pretty clear that his family are the types of white trash that never got passed the civil rights act, or equal rights for all citizens. Growing up in a household of hate only breeds the kinds of thoughts that "we" read on this board all the time.
Thoughts like yours, for instance.
Groups like the CCC, or more appropriately, THE CONSERVATIVE COUNCIL of CITIZENS, brainwashes its republican followers with anti minority and anti jew rhetoric, and more importantly, gives THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to republicans in congress and the senate.
They have even given large sums to 4 GOP candidates in the 2016 race, who are just now (because its been brought to light) refunding the money claiming they didnt know they recieved money from a WHITE SUPREMACY ORGANIZATION.
But this is a part of white trash america. The part that doesnt want to let go of the past, and will bring down the future of America. Inspiring little impressionable monsters like Dylan Roof is only a part of the game. They need the political influence amongst the republicans in politics to keep the RHETORIC going. To keep selling hate and bigotry. To convince as many little hitler youth wannabees, that the "great race war" will begin with arming themselves and hate speech.
White people, especially FOX NEWS, wont go out on a limb and call this a racial hate crime, because it will indict the very soul of the republican party. They will call it everything else though. Attacks on Christians, attacks on unarmed people or my favorite, a mentally ill child who didnt get the help he needed.
Dylan Roof is not alone. He isnt the only one brainwashed to believe the rhetoric of the right wing of this country.
Read HIS OWN WORDS from his personal manifesto, just before the shooting. Read what he says, how he feels, what he references. He didnt make this stuff up, he was TRAINED to believe in it from experts, like the CCC.