Ending DACA


Bad Moon Risen'
My neighbor lost his job .... he has been looking .....but if he gets in a line with people who r government entitled ...cause they r from a different country ...that is total stupidity
Give me your zipcode so I can check the employment ads for your area. Bet I can find numerous job postings. Might not be the occupation your neighbor is looking for but he could be employed if he/she had the ambition.


Victory Ride
Give me your zipcode so I can check the employment ads for your area. Bet I can find numerous job postings. Might not be the occupation your neighbor is looking for but he could be employed if he/she had the ambition.
Trying too get too the point ....your opinions suggest we give away jobs too people that just came over from other countries


Victory Ride
Maybe I should make this mor personal ..... YOU lost your job ....and r well qualified for a new one .... yet the government says FU .....we need too give it too the new individual that just came over from Istanbul


Inordinately Right
In your explanation ...tell me what you think is going on ...with what Trump is doing w DACA
He said he was going to end it when he was campaigning because it sounds good in sound bites.

Now that he drew a red line on North Korea, and they whipped out their tiny nuke and p****d over his line, he pulls this DACA garbage out of his back pocket to distract everyone from the complete and utter failures of his administration's foreign policy.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
He said he was going to end it when he was campaigning because it sounds good in sound bites.

Now that he drew a red line on North Korea, and they whipped out their tiny nuke and p****d over his line, he pulls this DACA garbage out of his back pocket to distract everyone from the complete and utter failures of his administration's foreign policy.
lol, really your blaming trump over nk, he has been in office 8 months. I guess idiot clinton, idiot bush and dummy obama didnt help it along. Lmao


Victory Ride
He said he was going to end it when he was campaigning because it sounds good in sound bites.

Now that he drew a red line on North Korea, and they whipped out their tiny nuke and p****d over his line, he pulls this DACA garbage out of his back pocket to distract everyone from the complete and utter failures of his administration's foreign policy.
Bro.... there ain't much left too do w N.Korea .....I don't like saying that either ...The DACA Piece is something he mentioned in his pre presidential speeches he meant too get done on his agenda


Well-Known Member
In your explanation ...tell me what you think is going on ...with what Trump is doing w DACA
It's purely political. He's pandering to his base knowing republicans won't pass " amnesty " for these undocumented immigrants. This is why he personally didn't announce the decision. He wants to put all the responsibility on the republican congress and senate to pass or not pass legislation. The 800,000 Dreamers are mere pawns for his political game.


Well-Known Member
Bro.... there ain't much left too do w N.Korea .....I don't like saying that either ...The DACA Piece is something he mentioned in his pre presidential speeches he meant too get done on his agenda
He could have ended it on day one. Instead his admin approved 200,00 Dreamers and waited for the right time politically to end it.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Bro.... there ain't much left too do w N.Korea .....I don't like saying that either ...The DACA Piece is something he mentioned in his pre presidential speeches he meant too get done on his agenda
they didnt watch him on the campaign trail so they wouldnt know