Ending DACA

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
After high school I started a union carpenter apprenticeship at $9.85/hr That was thirty years ago. We were hearing how illegal immigration was killing wages in border states. Sure enough the exploitation spread across the country enriching the few.


Inordinately Right
After high school I started a union carpenter apprenticeship at $9.85/hr That was thirty years ago. We were hearing how illegal immigration was killing wages in border states. Sure enough the exploitation spread across the country enriching the few.
30 years of corporate america selling you down the river, and you're still buying into their sham scape-goating of illegal immigration as being the problem. Sad.


golden ticket member
So trump decided to break DACA which was working fine, and now expects the democrats to fix his friend*up. Typical politician.
congress is responsible for immigration & naturalization laws. Obama was abusing laws and re-writing to his liking!!
Learn ....'who's responsible for what' in your gov't. I think they make a coloring book you can get.


Staff member
or they launch a nuke on america, welcome back cold war

Are you so dense to not realize that if N.Korea launches a nuclear missile at us, that Trump won't respond in kind?

Do you not realize the everything at that point could go straight to hell, and trigger the end of the world as we know it?

It wouldn't be some kind of video game where you could start over.


Inordinately Right
Are you so dense to not realize that if N.Korea launches a nuclear missile at us, that Trump won't respond in kind?

Do you not realize the everything at that point could go straight to hell, and trigger the end of the world as we know it?

It wouldn't be some kind of video game where you could start over.
It could be bad for us, there's always that chance that defenses could fail.
But most likely not.

Between THADD, Aegis warships, and patriot batteries, we'll probably be alright and so will japan.
It's South Korea that loses millions of innocent lives.
Trump doesn't seem to care too much about our allies there.

This is the state of affairs we have to deal with when people vote for a narcisitic D* to be the leader of the free world.


golden ticket member
I linked to court cases, you link to middle school social studies.
Hopefully you'll read it and learn something then we can have a serious discussion.
I'm off to Vegas in a couple days to celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary.......you can learn something from social studies....it hasn't changed! I've no more time for you and your silliness. Tell Ricky, hi!


Inordinately Right
I'm off to Vegas in a couple days to celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary.......you can learn something from social studies....it hasn't changed! I've no more time for you and your silliness. Tell Ricky, hi!
bye felicia
...and congrats. I've got my 10th next year. Time flies.


Staff member
I'm off to Vegas in a couple days to celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary.......you can learn something from social studies....it hasn't changed! I've no more time for you and your silliness. Tell Ricky, hi!

Actually leaving your exclusive gated neighborhood and coming out into the real world?

I'm impressed.


Staff member
It could be bad for us, there's always that chance that defenses could fail.
But most likely not.

Between THADD, Aegis warships, and patriot batteries, we'll probably be alright and so will japan.
It's South Korea that loses millions of innocent lives.
Trump doesn't seem to care too much about our allies there.

This is the state of affairs we have to deal with when people vote for a narcisitic D* to be the leader of the free world.

Defensive systems don't matter.

Donald holds the keys to the football. Do you trust him?