Ending DACA


Strength through joy
It could be bad for us, there's always that chance that defenses could fail.
But most likely not.

Between THADD, Aegis warships, and patriot batteries, we'll probably be alright and so will japan.
It's South Korea that loses millions of innocent lives.
Trump doesn't seem to care too much about our allies there.

This is the state of affairs we have to deal with when people vote for a narcisitic D* to be the leader of the free world.
If one has to nuke NK , then start just above the DMZ . You know the areas where Kim has all those weapons facing south . No sane army would advance thru a radioactive zone .

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That's the key there ... he said was unconstitutional before he decided he had to sign the EO.
I was listening to Ben Shapiro today and he was saying Trump's best move would have been to let the court challenges go ahead. He could have chosen not to defend the EO and just let the courts strike it down. Then he could pass the buck to congress and make them fix it. Instead Trump stepped on a rake and decided to try and drive Latino voter turnout in the midterms.


Nine Lives
I was listening to Ben Shapiro today and he was saying Trump's best move would have been to let the court challenges go ahead. He could have chosen not to defend the EO and just let the courts strike it down. Then he could pass the buck to congress and make them fix it. Instead Trump stepped on a rake and decided to try and drive Latino voter turnout in the midterms.
Unless he felt that the SCOTUS would uphold DACA ... who knows.


Well-Known Member
If one has to nuke NK , then start just above the DMZ . You know the areas where Kim has all those weapons facing south . No sane army would advance thru a radioactive zone .
One of rules in the art of war. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Did you ever think about NK giving the bombs to al-qeda to use against America?

NK giving the H bomb making plans to the Syrians and Iranians governments?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Unless he felt that the SCOTUS would uphold DACA ... who knows.
Seems doubtful especially if the government didn't mount a defense. It also sounds like Trump plans on continuing the non-enforcement of law for the dreamers, he won't deport them, he just doesn't want to give them work permits. It's strange all around, poorly handled without much of a plan, or Trump in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to understand Trumps' argument that DACA is unconstitutional.

Isn't he the guy who recently made the argument (vis-a-vis the 'Muslim ban') that the President has virtually unlimited power re: immigration?

Fairly hypocritical.

And he sent Sessions out to make the announcement!

He's weak!
