Ending DACA


Inordinately Right
I think we have much bigger issues than building a stupid wall. He might want to focus on rebuilding after Harvey, Irma and possible conflict with NK.
And repeal and replace, debt ceiling, budget, tax reform, changing his dirty diaper, and playing another round of golf. Maga m'fer.


Strength through joy
Who's going to pay for those deportations genius.

We can't afford to even stop people from crossing the border and you think we can afford to deport 800k tax payers. Lol.

You've got your head in the sand at the bottom of the ocean and you're complaining that your diaper is wet. Swim bro! Swim!
So you assume that all 800K have jobs ?
Then why are so many of these Dreamers in jail ?


Strength through joy
Just in case you haven't heard.
FEMA does not have the funds to cover Harvey , it's broke .
Only $1.1B left in the fund which spends money at $155K a minute.

So any damage from Irma , Jose and Katia will not be covered. Unless congress raises the debt ceiling and funds FEMA.


Inordinately Right
Just in case you haven't heard.
FEMA does not have the funds to cover Harvey , it's broke .
Only $1.1B left in the fund which spends money at $155K a minute.

So any damage from Irma , Jose and Katia will not be covered. Unless congress raises the debt ceiling and funds FEMA.
Thanks trump.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Fake news. This is a stupid list of immigrants that committed crimes. DACA recipients can't have criminal records and nothing in this article even claims the criminals are DACA recipients. Don't try to muddy the waters with this BS. Learn how to read.


Nine Lives
Daca made them legal residents.
Hardly ... an EO does not have the same effect as laws.
EO is a directive to the Enforcement side of the Constitutional separation of Government.
Enforcement is part of the Executive Branch of the Central National Government ... not the Legislature where laws are enacted.
It's just like Obama's directive to the DEA to not enforce laws against Cannabis in states where the state government has made it legal.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Hardly ... an EO does not have the same effect as laws.
EO is a directive to the Enforcement side of the Constitutional separation of Government.
Enforcement is part of the Executive Branch of the Central National Government ... not the Legislature where laws are enacted.
It's just like Obama's directive to the DEA to not enforce laws against Cannabis in states where the state government has made it legal.
do you let different fleas in or are you picky