Ending DACA


Nine Lives
Right, it allows them to legally reside here and pay taxes which we desperately need.
Partially true.
We need them to fill jobs where no US Citizens are not capable ... such as programming, medical, etc.
We don't need any non-citizens to perform manual labor or unskilled jobs.
The employers need to offer pay that US citizens will work for or implement technology/automation.
People want their yards to look pretty without paying what it actually should.
That goes for picking peas too.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Partially true.
We need them to fill jobs where no US Citizens are not capable ... such as programming, medical, etc.
We don't need any non-citizens to perform manual labor or unskilled jobs.
The employers need to offer pay that US citizens will work for or implement technology/automation.
People want their yards to look pretty without paying what it actually should.
That goes for picking peas too.
I'd rather have the cheap goods and services if that's the choice.


Nine Lives
do you let different fleas in or are you picky
If they play guitar ... come on in.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Mark Krikorian, a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues, has served as Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) since 1995. The Center, an independent, non-partisan research organization in Washington, D.C., examines and critiques the impact of immigration on the United States. Animated by a pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision which seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted, the Center was established in 1985 to respond to the need for reliable, fact-based research in the immigration area.

Center for Immigration Studies

About 1:06 into the video...

"The question of whether DACA is advisable is separate from the question of whether people who came here as young children and have grown up here as Americans should get an amnesty or not. Those are two separate questions, DACA is simply illegal. This frankly is letting the DACA's down easy, this 6 month grace period before anything happens and then another 2 years if congress does nothing where peoples work permits begin to expire.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
No, Sessions was racist before said that.

Try being part of the solution instead of the problem. Contact your congress person and tell them we need to get immigration reform done this time. This way maybe the Dreamers can stay and finally get out of the shadows, we can fix the border so others don't kill themselves trying to get here and life and the American dream for all will be better. :teethy:

Maybe something like the, Raise Act.


Well-Known Member
Try being part of the solution instead of the problem. Contact your congress person and tell them we need to get immigration reform done this time. This way maybe the Dreamers can stay and finally get out of the shadows, we can fix the border so others don't kill themselves trying to get here and life and the American dream for all will be better. :teethy:

Maybe something like the, Raise Act.
Do you honestly believe reducing green cards and refugees is going to reduce illegal immigration?:lol:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Do you honestly believe reducing green cards and refugees is going to reduce illegal immigration?:lol:

Illegal immigration is already going down. TTKU! :rolleyes:

Employers need to pay more

American workers get jobs first

Control the borders and adhere to the rule of law. (not the crazy lawless type in Northern CA) :lol:

Sensible, humane and fair... Not feel good B.S.


Nine Lives
Maybe something like the, Raise Act.
An excerpt from this article:
"... that "low-skill immigration, which would likely suffer the largest cuts in the proposed bill, imposes costs on taxpayers and it imposes costs on low-skill workers already here."

Exactly the type of immigrants the USA does not need.
I like this proposal (from what I read).

I worked around "desirable green card holders and immigrants" for my last 15 years at UPS.
Tough on my Georgia ears but they were very knowledgeable and were in key positions in IT.
These are the type of immigrants we need.