Ending DACA


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Unemployment is at 4%.
How low do you think it should go, and do you honestly believe curtailing immigration is the best way to achieve that.

Our education system is a joke and we're talking about kicking out tax payers and spending billions on a dumb wall that will accomplish nothing.

What a joke.

Your extreme hatred for Trump has clouded your posting lately. You of all people proclaiming a genuine 4% unemployment rate...Really, you're better than this. Don't let Trump ruin you. He's just your President, you don't have to have him over for dinner. This too shall pass. :lol:

Here's the real unemployment rate

The unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged.

There is the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged. Immigrants are bringing down wages too. Employers need to be held accountable by paying a living wage. Your 4% unemployment victory dance includes, part-time jobs and crappy paying jobs.. '

We can do much better.:geeky:


Inordinately Right
Your extreme hatred for Trump has clouded your posting lately. You of all people proclaiming a genuine 4% unemployment rate...Really, you're better than this. Don't let Trump ruin you. He's just your President, you don't have to have him over for dinner. This too shall pass. :lol:

Here's the real unemployment rate

The unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged.

There is the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged. Immigrants are bringing down wages too. Employers need to be held accountable by paying a living wage. Your 4% unemployment victory dance includes, part-time jobs and crappy paying jobs.. '

We can do much better.:geeky:
I'm not suggesting that's the "real" unemployment rate, I think suggesting it's even possible to measure this fabled "real" rate is nonsense. That entire argument is nothing more than a political game republicans used to downplay the economic gains that were made during the years obama was in office. That spin doesn't work with me.

The unemployment rate is simply a tool for gauging the state of the labor market. It's useful for comparing to other years not as a be all end all perfect measure of employment.

Whether you want to call that "real" or not seems like a silly debate to me. Being what it is, I'm happy with it at 4%.
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Inordinately Right
Okay, so you're happy with how Trump is creating jobs. Got it. We're making progress.:lol:
Who knows, you guys could be bff's before long.
I'm happy with how the economy is doing in spite of Trump's disaster of an administration so far. The federal reserve did a pretty good job, but I'm not sure we can wind down from their QE experiment without having a rollback of at least some of the gains. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
AFAIK, we've been counting the employment rate (or lack thereof) the same way forever.

If it sucked under Obama, why is it suddenly good under Trump?


Well-Known Member


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
AFAIK, we've been counting the employment rate (or lack thereof) the same way forever.

If it sucked under Obama, why is it suddenly good under Trump?

AFAIK, I wasn't comparing administrations.. I was simply saying we can do a better job, with JOBS!

There is the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged. Immigrants are bringing down wages too. Employers need to be held accountable by paying a living wage. Your 4% unemployment victory dance includes, part-time jobs and crappy paying jobs.. '
We can do much better.:geeky:


Strength through joy
So if Trump deports all of these illegals, does that mean I will no longer have to press 2 for English ?
That I can safely order my take out food without constantly repeating myself ?


Active Member
So Trump is ending DACA. A cruel statement that does nothing but harm. It harms the DACA recipients who won't be allowed to legally work here anymore. It harms the US economy by removing those workers and their production. It helps no one. He is a small petty man that instinctively opposes anything done by Obama. What a cruel loser.
It was unconstitutional when Obama did it....live by the pen, die by it. Same old unsubstantiated claims that we "USA" won't be able to survive without illegal immigrants. Good on Trump, congress should have passed the dream act under Obama. Oh well....


Well-Known Member
It was unconstitutional when Obama did it....live by the pen, die by it. Same old unsubstantiated claims that we "USA" won't be able to survive without illegal immigrants. Good on Trump, congress should have passed the dream act under Obama. Oh well....
If DACA was unconstitutional, so is Drumpf's Muslim ban.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It was unconstitutional when Obama did it....live by the pen, die by it. Same old unsubstantiated claims that we "USA" won't be able to survive without illegal immigrants. Good on Trump, congress should have passed the dream act under Obama. Oh well....
My post that you are replying to made none of the claims you are arguing against. It said Trump made a cruel decision that benefits no one. No one is helped by ending DACA, it only does harm. If you think the dream act should be passed it can be done without ending DACA.


Well-Known Member
My post that you are replying to made none of the claims you are arguing against. It said Trump made a cruel decision that benefits no one. No one is helped by ending DACA, it only does harm. If you think the dream act should be passed it can be done without ending DACA.

DACA has been around how long? Killing DACA motivates congress to get it done. unfortunately congress does it best work when there is a gun to their heads.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
DACA has been around how long? Killing DACA motivates congress to get it done. unfortunately congress does it best work when there is a gun to their heads.
What results in your experience are congress' best work and how was there a gun to their head when they accomplished it? This congress has demonstrated no capacity to accomplish anything.


Well-Known Member
What results in your experience are congress' best work and how was there a gun to their head when they accomplished it?

I have an 80,000 page historical narrative i'm typing up to present you since you asked but the website wont allow me to post/ tie up that much bandwidth.

This congress has demonstrated no capacity to accomplish anything.

I know and its the only congress in history to not accomplish anything , which just blows me away. unless of course you're counting the 70 or so bills they've passed so far this year, which it appears you're not .