Ending DACA


Inordinately Right
We should bill Mexico for the problem and make them pay for the wall for :censored2: sake.:teethy:
In all seriousness, the sanctuary issue, with them waltzing through Mexico then claiming asylum here is a problem.

The Trump administration is handling it just as poorly as the Obama administration did. Total failure.

A wall is a cartoonish idea for fools and the companies that will profit from building and maintaining it.

Diplomacy is the solution. Trump is more worried about diplomacy with countries thousands of miles away for some reason


Well-Known Member
Trump pays prostitutes to urinate on him, it was right out in the open a couple of months ago.
Are you afraid that you'll have to admit that your side plays political games instead of actually doing something to help the people they claim to care about? Above all else they can't be seen by their far Left base giving Trump a win.


Inordinately Right
Are you afraid that you'll have to admit that your side plays political games instead of actually doing something to help the people they claim to care about? Above all else they can't be seen by their far Left base giving Trump a win.
I'm a conservative, you're a liberal. You have trouble with reality.


Staff member
Are you afraid that you'll have to admit that your side plays political games instead of actually doing something to help the people they claim to care about? Above all else they can't be seen by their far Left base giving Trump a win.
Are you admitting that republicans did the same for the 8 years Obama was president?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, doesn't work.
Sums up his whole administration.
Doesn't work? You do realize the remittances are one of the top sources of income for these countries we're talking about. Only oil and tourism last I looked brought in more money in Mexico. But that was probably 10 years back. The Guatemala Quetzal has increased in value because of remittances.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't work? You do realize the remittances are one of the top sources of income for these countries we're talking about. Only oil and tourism last I looked brought in more money in Mexico. But that was probably 10 years back. The Guatemala Quetzal has increased in value because of remittances.

Not ours to take.

Going down that road is problematic.


Well-Known Member
Are you admitting that republicans did the same for the 8 years Obama was president?
Big difference in being diametrically opposed to policies that are against what they believe to be the best interests of the country and refusing to help a group that Democrats claim they care very much about. Was there a similar group during the Obama years that Republicans claimed they cared very much about but turned their backs on them? Have you noticed any large scale DACA protests lately? Think they're going to put any light on Democrats letting them down?

El Correcto

god is dead
Most of the guns in Mexico come from the US, what's your point?

Literally no one is advocating open borders with no restraints, another dumb unfounded Fox News talking point.

White deaths in this country just surpassed white births.

Maybe it's the plastic messing with our fertility, who knows.

The truth is, we need more immigrants, not less.
Actually they are, the only thing democrats will settle for is the release of all the illegals. Family and children. Look how they are reacting to families being allowed together.


Well-Known Member
Not ours to take.

Going down that road is problematic.
Not taking them. Refusing to let the money out of the country. Trump has the power to do that if he wants. No wire transfers. No ATM access to American banks overseas except for citizens with passports. We can't travel without passports anyways.


Inordinately Right
Doesn't work? You do realize the remittances are one of the top sources of income for these countries we're talking about. Only oil and tourism last I looked brought in more money in Mexico. But that was probably 10 years back. The Guatemala Quetzal has increased in value because of remittances.
There's a state that tried it. Doesn't work. Do some research then come back :censored2:.