Ending DACA


Bad Moon Risen'
Did that little rant make you feel better? That spew of virtue signaling bull:censored2:, we give billions every year in foreign aide. I bet not even 50% effects the lives of everyday people in those countries. We should focus on getting more for what we are already spending.
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged by Israeli prosecutors Thursday with fraud and breach of trust involving alleged misuse of public funds to pay for hundreds of gourmet meals.

She was accused of fraudulently ordering hundreds of meals to the prime minister’s official residence worth over $100,000 while falsely stating there were no cooks on staff.

Time to cut off aide to Israel. I don't want my tax dollars going to feeding that fat bitch.


Bad Moon Risen'
1.8 million DACA kids would get legal status and a path to citizenship. Their non-citizen spouses and minor children would be allowed to join them. $25 Billion would be given for the wall. Happened in late January.
Thought Mexico was paying for the wall. What's the $25 billion for?


Bad Moon Risen'
Is it all in my head?

Once the parents got arrested, the kids were treated by the administration as ‘unaccompanied’, which put them on a completely different track in terms of processing.

Different organizations dealing with the parents vs. the kids, you know as well as I do the level of competency of communication between governmental departments.

The parents are in TX, the kids are in NY
, WTF, it’s not clear that our government knows who belongs to whom.

They gave the parents a 1-800 # to call to check on their kids (?).

A full team of immigration lawyers with paralegals and interns got the runaround when they called the ‘hotline’...

What a freaking mess.
How's that possible. vantexan said the kids were only separated for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
How's that possible. vantexan said the kids were only separated for a few hours.
Although libs are characterizing the separations as shipping kids off to gulags never to be seen again, immigrants who are facing a misdemeanor are separated long enough to see a judge. As happens to American law breakers all the time, if convicted of a felony they're sent to prison and their kids are sent to foster care unless there's someone who can take care of them.


Well-Known Member
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged by Israeli prosecutors Thursday with fraud and breach of trust involving alleged misuse of public funds to pay for hundreds of gourmet meals.

She was accused of fraudulently ordering hundreds of meals to the prime minister’s official residence worth over $100,000 while falsely stating there were no cooks on staff.

Time to cut off aide to Israel. I don't want my tax dollars going to feeding that fat bitch.
I would feel the same way if Hillary got elected.