Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
Yah, Fox bla bla bla.

CNN bla bla bla.

Try NPR.
NPR fired Juan Williams, who also appears on FOX, after he made the statement that he does get apprehensive when he sees a young Black man on the street. Williams is also Black, and a liberal, and argues liberal positions passionately on FOX. But NPR found that statement unacceptable. So no, I won't be going to NPR for unbiased reporting. And I used to listen to them all the time.


Well-Known Member
Obama had a pilot program where asylum seeking families were given a social worker that helped them through the process after they were “caught and released.” They had an appearance rate of 99.6%. So I guess you’re correct if .04% is most not showing up for their hearing. BTW Trump canceled that program, because he’s stupid.
Why isn't Mexico taking in asylum seekers?


Well-Known Member
NPR fired Juan Williams, who also appears on FOX, after he made the statement that he does get apprehensive when he sees a young Black man on the street. Williams is also Black, and a liberal, and argues liberal positions passionately on FOX. But NPR found that statement unacceptable. So no, I won't be going to NPR for unbiased reporting. And I used to listen to them all the time.

Bla, bla.

CNN also routinely has ‘conservatives’ and Trump supporters in their panels.

And it’s still nonsense.

If you think Fox News is a legitimate and fair source of news, bless your heart!!


Well-Known Member

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What did the other administrations do ?
Various mostly ineffective policies. Families have been treated with catch and release because federal courts decided it was cruel to imprison children for more than 20 days and no previous administration was willing to separate families in order to keep the parents past that 20 day limit. I haven’t heard a good solution from either side. If people are so afraid of their home country they are willing to risk certain rape and spend all of their money for a chance to live here, what is the humane answer?


Victory Ride
Various mostly ineffective policies. Families have been treated with catch and release because federal courts decided it was cruel to imprison children for more than 20 days and no previous administration was willing to separate families in order to keep the parents past that 20 day limit. I haven’t heard a good solution from either side. If people are so afraid of their home country they are willing to risk certain rape and spend all of their money for a chance to live here, what is the humane answer?
That is what I don’t know ...smh ....
Force those countries 2 provide and stabilize their countries ....make their people want 2 stay

El Correcto

god is dead
You only care about children when it is convenient politically. The left will not pass a clean bill in Congress changing the laws to allow children to stay with parents while they go through due process. They want everyone released into general population which is a non starter for the right.

I’d never support full on open borders, it’s suicide for any country. The Balkanization of the United States population that is already divided due to federal tyranny over the states would ruin us.

Not to mention flooding the world’s uneducated poor into this country and allowing them to vote would lead to even more extremist left wing politicians. They’d be voting for higher taxes on the upper class and corporations in no time all to pay for a promised socialist regime that the left can’t deliver.

I view allowing the poor to flood into this country as a huge strain on our unfunded liabilities. Even if you took every last penny from corporations and the big bad 1% you could t pay for half of what democrats have promised you already.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Obama had a pilot program where asylum seeking families were given a social worker that helped them through the process after they were “caught and released.” They had an appearance rate of 99.6%. So I guess you’re correct if .04% is most not showing up for their hearing. BTW Trump canceled that program, because he’s stupid.
The real 'rate of return ' for court date for illegals with families was around 75%.
that equates to 25% that did not show up for their court date.
In 2017 there were 75,622 family unit apprehensions which means 18,905 did not show up for their court date.

Do you ever fact-check the lies that you perpetuate?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The real 'rate of return ' for court date for illegals with families was around 75%.
that equates to 25% that did not show up for their court date.
In 2017 there were 75,622 family unit apprehensions which means 18,905 did not show up for their court date.

Do you ever fact-check the lies that you perpetuate?
The program I referenced was a pilot program for asylum seekers. Ttku


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
One should assume no cooperation from Mexico.

Most definitely.

‘It’s A Human Right’: Mexican Presidential Candidate On Mass Exodus To America

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Well-Known Member
If you enter illegally - you should not be allowed to come in. We should close the southern border for a period of at least 60 days. That way we can get things organized better. This also means people who are seeking asylum. LOOK at how other countries handle people who come in illegally. Folks, this nonsense is costing us a lot of money. Money my family could use. This also means Chinese women who come here to have their kids so they can come back to go to college. They fly in. How come Mexico isn't stopping thses people going through their country illegally? Makes you wonder. I remember when Obama stated he was going to work on immigration issues prior to his departure. Now you see why I didn't vote for him twice. YET he wants to build his presidential library in Chicago. Hey dude, you are not from Chicago! I am! Build your presidential library in Honolulu like it is supposed to be! Illegally should NEVER be allowed US citizenship ever. My family got in line and came in legally - these people should not be given a FREE pass. It's child abuse when they drag their kids 1,000 miles to get here. Turns out that Honduran has a Dad who stated she is not alone at all - TIME is just as corrupt as the rest of the Fake news.