Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
When have I ever advocated for a welfare state?

You are against immigration because you are nervous about your government handouts. I say end them and your laziness.
Again young man let me explain the facts of life to you. There will come a time when you won't be able or willing to work like you do now. Yes I said willing. It takes a toll. And you're also going to find after 50 it's much more difficult to get a job that pays decently. You will be thankful for your pension and Social Security. May not believe it now, but the day will come.

As for you believing in a welfare state. If the number of jobs get greatly reduced and you keep pumping in unskilled workers exactly then how do you propose they take care of themselves? We're going to have a very interesting situation develop without continuing to allow millions more in. Not to mention with an excess of workers wages will lower. We'll end up with a huge underclass and ultimately unrest. Is this where you go "good, good?"
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Inordinately Right
Again, I will type really slowly, if you let in millions more every year, and automation ends 30% of the jobs available, exactly how will they all take care of themselves?
Why do you think automation is going to cause 30% of workers to be unemployed?

Sounds like complete nonsense to me.


Well-Known Member
So you admit you're against immigration because you like the entitlement welfare state and you think immigrants threaten that system.

We'll have to agree to disagree.
No, I'm against illegal immigration for a number of reasons, chief among them is we'll have to create a huge welfare state to take care of them in the era of automation.


Inordinately Right
No, I'm against illegal immigration for a number of reasons, chief among them is we'll have to create a huge welfare state to take care of them in the era of automation.
So you are in favor of the welfare state, but just for lazy second generation Americans, not new ones.

Ok then.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Since all the Western Nations have pretty much given up on having babies of their own immigration is a necessary component keeping our economy healthy. But there has to be a hard number on the maximum allowed per year. You need to be sponsored by an employer that will pay you at least minimum wage and secure your own private housing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Again young man let me explain the facts of life to you. There will come a time when you won't be able or willing to work like you do now. Yes I said willing. It takes a toll. And you're also going to find after 50 it's much more difficult to get a job that pays decently. You will be thankful for your pension and Social Security. May not believe it now, but the day will come.

As for you believing in a welfare state. If the number of jobs get greatly reduced and you keep pumping in unskilled workers exactly then how do you propose they take care of themselves? We're going to have a very interesting situation develop without continuing to allow millions more in. Not to mention with an excess of workers wages will lower. We'll end up with a huge underclass and ultimately unrest. Is this where you go "good, good?"
The guy is obviously insincere ... why do you waste time with him?


Well-Known Member
Your hook in the mouth deflection doesn't work, that obviously was not your intent, rather it was an intended cover-up of being caught in lies by Van and a reply to the old rat's evaluation of your existence on this forum. As lightweights go, you seem to defy gravity.
Just an old drunk swamp dweller's opinion.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Looks like we survived another terrible Trump decision due to his gross incompetence. The court didn’t find “cause Obama did it” as a compelling legally sound argument for ending DACA.