Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
Looks like we survived another terrible Trump decision due to his gross incompetence. The court didn’t find “cause Obama did it” as a compelling legally sound argument for ending DACA.
Maybe all the angst that led to liberals trying to get Trump booted before he could put more conservatives on the court can go away now.


Staff member
it means the court took the pusillanimous way out, they basically said trump can issue any E.o on immigration he wants
And Trump’s people didn’t know that? Or they knew it but didn’t really care? Because if they really are highly skilled lawyers etc. you’d think they knew how this would play out , wouldn’t they? They’d understand process and such.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
And Trump’s people didn’t know that? Or they knew it but didn’t really care? Because if they really are highly skilled lawyers etc. you’d think they knew how this would play out , wouldn’t they? They’d understand process and such.
i dont remember who the daca case started under, if it was sessions he was am idiot

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Maybe all the angst that led to liberals trying to get Trump booted before he could put more conservatives on the court can go away now.
Roberts is an instiutionalist. Trump just couldn’t be bothered to follow the rules. If Trump had basic competence DACA would be gone right now. Right wing justices decided law doesn’t really matter and the executive can do whatever he wants. It’s important to not let anymore on the court that think that way. Or totally reform the court, which is a better long term solution.


Well-Known Member
Roberts is an instiutionalist. Trump just couldn’t be bothered to follow the rules. If Trump had basic competence DACA would be gone right now. Right wing justices decided law doesn’t really matter and the executive can do whatever he wants. It’s important to not let anymore on the court that think that way. Or totally reform the court, which is a better long term solution.
So to prevent that we have to put up with further dividing the country with false accusations in efforts to go around the Constitution to get Trump removed? Exactly who is the bad guy again?


Well-Known Member
What are you rambling about? I can’t keep up with right wing nutjobbery.
You know for a fact that the Mueller report, the Ukraine narrative, just about anything Trump says, all the liberal spin has divided the country and will continue to happen. You aren't worried about the DACA kids, you're worried about anything that will prevent a flood of potential Democrat voters coming into the country(the wall) or send them back(rescinding DACA, detention centers). That's the problem with today's Left, they aren't worried about the country, they're worried about their power over the country. What you don't seem to get is all the destruction and violence will drive the independents to vote Republican. And will be called racist for doing so. "Accept our rule, our economic system, or you're a racist!" seems to be the Democrat motto. Enough blather for you?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You know for a fact that the Mueller report, the Ukraine narrative, just about anything Trump says, all the liberal spin has divided the country and will continue to happen. You aren't worried about the DACA kids, you're worried about anything that will prevent a flood of potential Democrat voters coming into the country(the wall) or send them back(rescinding DACA, detention centers). That's the problem with today's Left, they aren't worried about the country, they're worried about their power over the country. What you don't seem to get is all the destruction and violence will drive the independents to vote Republican. And will be called racist for doing so. "Accept our rule, our economic system, or you're a racist!" seems to be the Democrat motto. Enough blather for you?
Yup. Total nutjobbery nonsense. You can tell because it ignores facts and proposes a conspiracy theory with a touch of victimhood thrown in for good measure. Grade A right wing crazy.