i thought the definition of the free period was that days worked during said period do not count towards making book. a union book. (fun fact: its called that cause back in the day you had a physical book and you got a stamp each month that you paid dues.) initiation fees and first dues should not be deducted until you worked the appropriate amount of days outside the free period and made book. ugh. i see after typing all this that it is ANOTHER issue in the supplement and not in the master.
Section 1 – Acquisition of Seniority
(a) After forty days of work within a seventy consecutive work day period, (excluding orientation) a new employee will acquire seniority and the employee shall be given a seniority date as of his/her first day of employment (orientation) worked within such 70 consecutive work day period. If, however, the employee does not complete the 40 days within these 70 days his/her seniority date will be the first day of the 40 worked within any subsequent seventy (70) workday period.
(b) There shall be a free period, beginning October 15 and ending January 15 the following year, during which no employee can qualify for seniority.