Epic Terminations!


Retired 23 years
We had a feeder driver canned for stopping at a gravel pit most every night and having a fling with a Ministers wife. He not only lost his job but his marriage also.


Well-Known Member
Had a driver who would sheet cash cod’s on a new page and throw that sheet away and then take the cash with the intent to pay it back next week, we’ll next week never came.best route I ever had after he was fired


Well-Known Member
Years ago there was a driver who was being groomed for management. She had appeared in the Big Idea, and her customers , the center manager and DM just loved her.

Well they loved her until Shippers started complaining about how long it took for them to get paid for their cash COD's.
This young lady would "borrow" the money for a week or two, then turn the COD tag in with cash. She honestly disnt think she was doing anything wrong as she wasnt.as she said Stealing,rather she was Borrowing...........................

She was right above me in the Seniority List and I was thrilled when she got canned and I moved up . The Union didnt even take this to panel: they advised her to resign as if she resisted and was terminated she would face charges of theft for thousands and thousands of Dollars
The Big Idea…What you talkin about Willis? 😜 I miss it..Was a better(different ) time. Which year was this? I got back copies and may have it.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The Big Idea…What you talkin about Willis? 😜 I miss it..Was a better(different ) time. Which year was this? I got back copies and may have it.

The Big idea ...late 80’s, early 90’s...

When my Son was born in “87”... they misprinted his name ... his real name is Luke and they printed “Duke”...

At least they recognized his birth...👍


Got the T-Shirt
The Big idea ...late 80’s, early 90’s...

When my Son was born in “87”... they misprinted his name ... his real name is Luke and they printed “Duke”...

At least they recognized his birth...👍

Ha Ha Ha !

I used "The Big Idea" against them at a panel. The company was trying to claim a driver was stealing time

for not walking thru peoples yards. (to save time) Oops. "The Big Idea" had an article (with pics) demonstrating

the "method" was to only walk on solid surfaces, such as sidewalks and driveways.

As soon as I saw that article.... I was like "I better save this, it will come in handy."

Still got it.



Just a turd
Best stories of people getting fired? Like 100% guilty, hand in the cookie jar, do not pass go, it’s not going to panel, type stuff.

I recently heard an anecdote about a guy from a small satellite center on the coast. Basically this fella’s side business started to do really well, so he decided to let his wife run his route after he left the hub each morning, and would jump back in the truck to bring it back. This hustle worked well for several months apparently, until one day the supervisor goes out on the safety ride. Husband runs the route all day, but customer after customer asks “Hey, where’s Jill?” or “is the normal lady sick?”
Management investigated and the fella was let go the next day.

I love a good hustle even if it eventually blows up.
We had a Feeder driver murder his wife by bashing her head in with a shovel or a stick and came into work and try to use UPS as an alibi.

They terminated him


Pineapple King
The Big idea ...late 80’s, early 90’s...

When my Son was born in “87”... they misprinted his name ... his real name is Luke and they printed “Duke”...

At least they recognized his birth...👍
I have a couple of baby blankets with my first two kids name and birthdates and the old school UPS logo embroidered on them. Never got one for our third child.

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
Had a couple guys running a theft ring in our building. They’d open boxes of iPhones and rip up the cardboard and take turns running to the bathroom to flush it all down the toilet. Pipes finally backed up and they set up a sting and got them. Driver got canned for banging a girl in a doctors office on the clock, had to explain why the business didn’t want him around anymore when he got busted. Another drive canned for saying out loud that he was surprised “nobody ever came here and shot this place up”. Probably the funniest one was when I worked the inside. There was an unloader always causing trouble, but always had the union get him out of it. They offered him a part time sup position which he took and we all knew what they were doing, but nobody liked this guy. First issue that came up they fired him.
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In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
PT Supervisor took stacks of scratch-off tickets from overgoods and tried to cash them in at the gas station next to the hub.

Several years ago we had a part time supervisor throwing send again 📦’s over the fence while he was in the yard doing an audit. Caught him with an exploding dye box...Our L/P guy was grinning ear to ear..


He was also stealing cash from his co-workers when he was in the building..

Talk about having some 🧶🧶’s
Several years ago we had a part time supervisor throwing send again 📦’s over the fence while he was in the yard doing an audit. Caught him with an exploding dye box...Our L/P guy was grinning ear to ear..


He was also stealing cash from his co-workers when he was in the building..

Talk about having some 🧶🧶’s
That's the truth

We have more problems with management still in packages than with hourlies