Several thoughts.
Who wanted the Union at UPS in the first place? Was it the workers, or was it the UPS founders? Then since you know the answer, why would the founders want the union to deal with if it were not to their benifit? Now, if the Union is a benefit for and to UPS, then how do you figure as a driver, you make out like a bandit and UPS gets the shaft because we are union?
Sat: I think this is what you are trying to say in a way, so correct me if I am wrong.
Several years ago we had some upper level teamsters at our center. HE was trying to recruit part timers into the union and his tactics were a bit tough to swallow.
I asked him about the intimidation he was using trying to force the part timers to join. He told me "without the union, you aint
" And further on, he also stated somewhat simular to the posters above "if it weren't for the teamsters you would be making minimum wage"
Well, first off, it was a real eye opener when it comes to the way the Teamsters view the rank and file. Everything is great and photo opps appenty when you recruit a bunch of people into the teamsters. But to view us as not
without them giving us what we have earned, and without them we would living in poverty?
I calmly informed him that if I did not make the the money at UPS, I would not be working at UPS, but somewhere else. And the amount I would be making would be simular, because I am agressive enough not to be satisfied with anything less. And unlike so many others at UPS, I did further my education past highschool.
I dont owe the teamsters my life, my livelyhood or my job. Each one I have either created or accepted. And I sure as hell dont ever talk down to or treat someone as less than human because of belonging or not belonging to a union.
Now, that being said, the teamsters are a part of the UPS culture. And there is a contract with UPS that the company and the union (and the hourly employees by vote) have agreed to follow. Simple really. And if you accept the job, then in most cases you need to accept the union as part of that job. For better or worse.
But I whole heartedly reject that I would not have in my life what I have, had it not been for UPS or the teamsters.
d (well except the bad knees)