Having worked for a company that it's employees are represented by the union for your whole career at UPS, you have no idea really what you have been protected from. For example, in Texas(a right to work state) the employer doesn't need a "good reason" to fire you as long as they do not violate your Constitutional rights. WITH the union you also have contractual rights to protect you from harassment, from personality conflicts and other unjust(but not illegal) work conditions.
If the new center manager decided you were being dishonest in signing your name for a customers package and taking it home for safe keeping until the customer came back from vacation, you could/probably would be fired. The union would at least have a chance to save your job, a court of law would probably not even hear the case.
You said" I could make far more money than I make at UPS, but, I will not make the trade off of leaving my land and my home.". If I understand what you mean, it's that you would have to relocate to another area to match or beat what you make at UPS. If that is correct then, yeah, the union negotiated contracts have allowed you to keep you land and home and exercise your choice to stay where you are.
Have you even been told by a management person " IF you don't like it, you can quit."? If you have, you probably own the fact that you still have a job to the unseen protection of the union. Unless you are prefect, you have made mistakes that you could have been legally fired for but with the union there are contractual rules that keep that from even being an issue.
In the debates that Tie and those two FedEx guys the question arose that the two jobs were essentially the same and they are(with different levels of load size, yadda yadda). UPS Drivers make roughly a third more than Fedex couriers, is it because their average package size is less than ours? No, the difference is in the union contract. Then there are the benefits that are negotiated also. FedEx pays what they do to keep the union out, not from of the goodness of their hearts.
My point here is that union does much more for you than you give them credit for. Is the union prefect? no. Do I wear the union collar? not hardly. Do I see a need for the union when it comes to dealing with UPS? Damn right I do.
That's a lot of questions for me to answer.
I will try and answer them one by one.
First off my whole career started at the age of 15. I have been on my own since the age of 17 and I did not start working at UPS until I was 33.
I have lived and worked in Texas all my life. I know my worker rights in Texas.
Since I indirect packages to my home for my neighbors, using all the correct procedures mandated by UPS and have the customers permission to do so, I have little worry over a new center manager reviewing my files.
To make far more money, I would have to relocate. To make the same or better, I could stay here. I chose to stay here, where my options are open and continue to live the lifestyle I chose for myself. Selfish, yes, as we all are.
This will probably blow your mind.
No manager at UPS has ever even came close to saying to me,"If you don't like it you can quit.". I have been thru 13 center manager's and at least 50 on road sup's. I am treated with respect and I give it back, in like kind.
Fedx people make more per delivery than we do, percentage wise.
The biggest complaint I hear from Upser's is that they throw too much work at us.
Teamsters demand higher wages and the simple law of economics demands we produce more to cover the increase wages.
So, the teamsters can toot their horn about being paid so well, but has the right to complain when that wage has to be justified and keep the company profitable?
Back to my career and your closing argument,
I have worked at three different union jobs, Electrical Brotherhood, Steelworkers and the teamsters.
I also worked in non-union jobs.
In the union jobs, my skill and drive did not count. Only seniority, basically meaning wait your turn.
In the non-union jobs my skills, ability and drive counted for everything. I was rewarded in pay and position.
I am not saying I am better than anyone else. I just try and do my level best daily and if it isn't good enough for the company that pays me then I will leave with no hard feelings.
In closing,
I will never give the teamsters union any credit,or support, for what they do for themselves, in the name of protecting me.
It's late, I hope I addressed all of the issues.