Ever use this button when delivering?


free at last.......
I used to deliver to this older lady in the country. I would back down her fairly long driveway and by the time I got to her back door, she was always there to greet me. One day I got to the back door and she wasn't there. The door was wide open and her car was in the garage. That was the first time I had to knock. Nobody came. I had thoughts of going in but was afraid of what I might find. I left and decided that when I got back in town, I would call the Sheriffs Dept. and have them check on her. Before I called I looked to see if her number was in the phone book. It was so I called. To my surprise she answered the phone. I explained my concern and she thanked me.

Sure glad I didn't just walk in. Glad I hadn't called the Sheriff first, also.

Hey rushfan........sure hope your name is in reference to the band and not that puggy, sorry excuse for a human being on the radio. Sorry if I offended you.


Once a driver in my center hit and killed a dog in the road. He went up to the house to tell someone, no one was home...he left a DELIVERY NOTICE on the dog's collar. True story. Unbelieveable.


Man, these are some "killer" posts. I was "dying" to see what got posted today. Good reading with a nice "stiff" drink. Or even "a cold one"...


Box Monkey
I had to use it one time about 8-9 years ago. I was actually delivering medicine to the guy. I'm walkng towards the apartment with my head down and when I got in the general proximity of hte front door I looked up and there was an EMT with a gurney and "something" under a sheet. He asked me who I was looking for and I told him his name and in an instant he responds, "You're too late."


This is way off topic,but I cant think of a better place to mention it.One of my pickups had 2 police cars parked outside and when I went in a female police officer told me there'd been an accident and John had tried to fix the tension spring on the shipping door(like the ones in a p800,only on a bigger scale).He lost 3 fingers. There was blood everywhere,I said is it ok if I do my pickup?She looked at me like I was out of line,but let me.They managed to reattatch 2 fingers,and John thanked me a few days later for dragging all the stuff out the little door.
This can be a weird job,I bet some of you guys have similar stories.


Staff member
"you might have gotten the finger"

Doh! LOL

I didn't know there was a deceased option, but....

Once a looooooong time ago, I was deliverig a sig req to a house. There was a lot of sad people dressed in black. "God", I thought, "what an awful time to need a signature". Went to the door anyhow, and of course my package was for the deceased. "He won't be needing it", the guest who answered the door said.

Another time was a sig req also. Went to the door, rang. A very old woman answered, obviously hadn't slept, had been crying... Yep, the package was for her husband, who died yesterday.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
Went to an apartment once, rang and was let in. Door opened and the lady told me that Mr. Smith had died so I sheeted the package as non-delivery, deceased. The next morning I got called to the office and my sup told me that we were not allowed to use any of those third screen options for non-deliveries. I was like, well, why the hell are they in the diads then? In the back of my mind I was thinking that this was just some other way to fudge numbers somehow, though it seemed really trivial.

And as someone else mentioned, I wish they'd add a driver release, "shed" option. And personally, for me anyways I wish they'd add "barbeque" as well.


Staff member
"...my sup told me that we were not allowed to use any of those third screen options..."

Actually, this makes sense for the 'deceased' option. Imagine sending a package to a relative. Now imagine tracking it, and seeing the reason it wasn't delivered. What if you hadn't known??

Is this a good way to learn of your relatives death? Now that I've thought of this, I will most definately never sheet it that way.