Exit poll


The post is meant as a jab at the teamsters and ups continual barrage of literature telling upsers to return their ballots marked yes.

Don't tell people how to vote. Return your ballot with a vote would suffice. Encorage the employee to read thru the contract and make an educated decision.

Is this contract a yes or no for your classification? Package drivers, feeders,part timers, air drivers and combo jobs. Could there be gains for one group at the expense of sacreafices by another.

Just because someone represents you does not mean they will act in your best interest. Look out for number one is still very popular.

I don't care how anyone votes but we all should vote. I don't think that you can throw a blanket yes vote to all groups.
Read it again and do what's best for you and your family.

How refreshing to see you now take a stance against telling others how to vote.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what "Exit Polls" are being referred to here. I think this contract is going to pass no matter what you read on any discussion board. The fact of the matter, just a few thousand out of 200,000 UPS workers come on Brown Cafe or one of the other message boards so what you read here will have little effect on the outcome. The company and the union are pushing this as a fair deal and that is how I think it will go. TDU has been fighting hard against this because they are out of power and are trying to gain it back. I have been through a few contracts the last 32 years, and I think this one is going to pass. Its not perfect, but then they never are. Thats just the nature of these things.
There is a difference between not perfect and perfectly screwed up. I feel like they just promised a new car makeover only when I got my car back it had new paint job, only it was green with brown pokadots, it has a new stereo alright, an 8 track, the muffler is missing, A/C is gone, sure it has a sun roof, but why is the windshield missing, it has a warranty for as long as it doesn't break down, it will go 0-60 in 4.5 seconds, if you drop it off a cliff, and free oil chages for life, as long as you buy the oil naturally!
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There is a difference between not perfect and perfectly screwed up. I feel like they just promised a new car makeover only when I got my car back it had new paint job, only it was green with brown pokadots, it has a new stereo alright, an 8 track, the muffler is missing, A/C is gone, sure it has a sun roof, but why is the windshield missing, it has a warranty for as long as it doesn't break down, it will go 0-60 in 4.5 seconds, if you drop it off a cliff, and free oil chages for life, as long as you buy the oil naturally!

Interesting that you would compare a package that will afford you the opportunity to make 32 an hour and have beni's and a retirement to an 8 track player.


I don't know what "Exit Polls" are being referred to here. I think this contract is going to pass no matter what you read on any discussion board. The fact of the matter, just a few thousand out of 200,000 UPS workers come on Brown Cafe or one of the other message boards so what you read here will have little effect on the outcome. The company and the union are pushing this as a fair deal and that is how I think it will go. TDU has been fighting hard against this because they are out of power and are trying to gain it back. I have been through a few contracts the last 32 years, and I think this one is going to pass. Its not perfect, but then they never are. Thats just the nature of these things.
In my center and distict the feeling I get is we are getting more people to vote and the ones I have talked to say they are voting yes. We are in central states and the pension sounds good, we get 3 4 dollar raise over the life of the contract, our health care is better. Some of the language could be better and I think the freeze on wage progression stinks. Overall I dont think its to bad a deal