Express handing resi deliveries to Ground


Well-Known Member
E-commerce rates are 40-60% less than HD rates. Ground rates come down 5-10% in the new agreements as well. They’ll keep squeezing rates to help force out smaller operations that can’t survive on the shrinking margins.
Just remember the collapse doesn't start and the top and works it's way down. it starts at the bottom and works it way up.. And rate cutting at the bottom is likely to accelerate the process.


Well-Known Member
You are still clueless. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS FREE. Those so called 10 essential free benifits are paid by higher premiums and higher deductables. If they were not required, one would be able to go to the open market and get health care at a much lower price. Just like you can pick your types of coverage for auto and home,one should be able to do so for health.Medicare for all is a socialist wet dream. It would just be a tax burden so large that our country would possible go into a depression. Also millions of medical insurance jobs would be lost. If you want to lower health care
1- Tort reform- too many unneccessary tests are done because Doctors are afraid being sued
2- People who use a higher portion of health care,should pay a higher portion
3- A la carte- pay only for the coverage you want and need
4- Health insurance for medically necessary procedures only. Not every 60 year old needs a knee replacement,not every transgender needs a sex change etc

This seems clownish. I never mentioned the word free. I said no deductible, no copay, which is all true, and arguments can only be made by twisting the facts. And all those 'insurance jobs' lost will be able to jobs in the actual health CARE industry when millions more people are covered. All those doctors will need more people to cover the approximately 45 million who don't have insurance now and don't go the the doctor unless it becomes an emergency situation. And 'a la carte insurance is fine until you need something mot 'a la carte'. And 20% off the top that insurance companies take can pay for a lot more care. And when insurance covers the cost of doctor ordered tests, in promotes competition in areas like LABs, imaging centers, etc. Insurance pay less than public costs for almost every service. I had treatment that the facility charges $900 to and individual, but under contract, the insurer paid only $300. With more people needing tests, more and more facilities are springing into existence to provide them. An MRI that cost $1500 10 years ago can now cost less then $250 with imaging centers all over the place.

And someone would need to be pretty stupid- MAGA stupid- to seek out a knee replacement they don't need. Seems like the MAGA crowd wants only those who can afford the high cost insurance to get knee replacements for anyone in pain who needs it. MAGA folks are so dumb that they don't realize that allowing a poor warehouse worker with no insurance to get a knee replacement, or back treatment allows them to be able to continue working and paying taxes, instead of collecting disability benefits for an extra maybe 20 years until they reach retirement age. Someone at 50 who needs a knee replacement but can't afford it can go on social security disability and collect benefits when they could instead get the $25k knee replacement surgery and be back at work paying thousands per year in taxes. Here's an example' I had your basic $7500 high deductible insurance, and was in an accident at 56. I couldn't afford the treatment I needed for my back and went on disability for an extra 7 years after the two year waiting period. Now, under medicare, I got diagnosis and treatment that cost only about $9000 but would have cost me more than triple out of pocket, and feel like if I had this treatment paid for earlier, I would have been able to return to work for at least 5-6 of those years. Bit thank you for supporting me for all that time and for finally paying for the treatment.

Taking care of people NOW saves more money later. But MAGAts only see someone getting 'free' help they aren't getting and hate it. The honestly don't care about the math that proves that caring for people saves money. The math is a little bit more than addition so they don't want to listen long enough because they don't understand the math, plus they like Hannity and FOX who rile them up to hate someone who they see getting 'free' stuff they don't get. A poor family getting 'free food???? Hate them. An American child of Mexican immigrants getting free immunizations their parents can't afford??? Hate them. Someone who advocates for helping the poor???? Hate them.

Never mind that the poor child without proper health care can spread disease to the other children in the classroom. Never mind those children can bring home disease to their families, and those parents need to miss work days, or use their health insurance, or go to work and get their co-workers sick. Never mind that a poor unhealthy kid in Texas can cost someone living miles away to use more health care service. That's too many steps for the MAGA crowd to follow. It is easier to just hate the immigrant family who can't afford health care that to simply provide the needed care and save money overall. HATE is easier for them than math.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I disagree.

“Congress amended the RLA in 1936 to include coverage of air carriers. [5] The federal government's interest in the regulation of carrier labor disputes derives from its recognition that interstate commerce relies on the transportation industry and that any disruption of that industry resulting from labor unrest may have devastating effects on both the industry itself and the national economy.”

Since FXE will now be able to transfer freight to FXG, the potential for devastation is mitigated.

Since the justification to include FXE as an airline under RLA will no longer exist, it logically should be placed under the NLRB like UPS is.

That's not how it works. Express employees are providing a service that cannot and does not exist without a fully functioning air network.


Well-Known Member
I stated earlier that author doesn’t understand the ISP contractor model. I already have plenty of stops that have to be delivered at certain times by customer requirements. It appears you don’t understand the model either. FedEx can say these boxes need to be delivered by 10:30. I figure out how to get that done. It’s the same thing I do now. Fedex says all these boxes need to be delivered by end of the business day. I figure out how to get it done. The only difference is the time which is not significant legally.

Your other argument that for some reason I’ll have to manage just like Express does is a bizarre contention that’s not based on anything.

The ISP model forces people to spend money to manage fedex's business for them. The ISP model is a fraud. Fedex could do it all cheaper if fedex didn't fear the unions. Fedex could buy vehicles en masse cheaper than individual ISPs, could buy fuel in bulk, and even hire managers more cheaply if they didn't fear union wages and benefits, and liability. Now an ISP has to pay to get a job as a manager. ISPs are buying a job- not a business. FEDEX found a way to insulate themselves from public awareness that their serice is staffed by low income workers with no benefits common to most Americans- paid vacations, paid holidays, sick pay, and so on they even most non-union employers offer. It is part PR and PRT avoiding legal liability, and ISPs are told how vital they are, and some pay big money because in any other field, they would be considered as too unskilled to even manage their own starting time..

Some ISPs may be more educated or have more skill, but it us basically only a high school graduate level job. Some may have enough income to pay a little more or provide a minimal 'benefit' package, but that is the exception.

"figure out how to get them delivered"?????????But the box in the truck, and drive it there. Tough figuring- I did it for you. Must be highly skilled.


Well-Known Member
The ISP model was litigated in Kelly v FedEx Ground. It settled several cases. It was the last legal hurdle for FedEx. Existing law supports the ISP model. .

You are 100% wrong. FEDEX settled and the courts didn't rule on the current contract. The current contract hasn't been challenged, so your claim is either ignorant or a lie.


Well-Known Member
".........And someone would need to be pretty stupid- MAGA stupid- to seek out a knee replacement they don't need. Seems like the MAGA crowd wants only those who can afford the high cost insurance to get knee replacements for anyone in pain who needs it. MAGA folks are so dumb that they don't realize that allowing a poor warehouse worker with no insurance to get a knee replacement, or back treatment allows them to be able to continue working and paying taxes, instead of collecting disability benefits for an extra maybe 20 years until they reach retirement age. Someone at 50 who needs a knee replacement but can't afford it can go on social security disability and collect benefits when they could instead get the $25k knee replacement surgery and be back at work paying thousands per year in taxes. Here's an example' I had your basic $7500 high deductible insurance, and was in an accident at 56. I couldn't afford the treatment I needed for my back and went on disability for an extra 7 years after the two year waiting period. Now, under medicare, I got diagnosis and treatment that cost only about $9000 but would have cost me more than triple out of pocket, and feel like if I had this treatment paid for earlier, I would have been able to return to work for at least 5-6 of those years. Bit thank you for supporting me for all that time and for finally paying for the treatment.

Taking care of people NOW saves more money later. But MAGAts only see someone getting 'free' help they aren't getting and hate it. The honestly don't care about the math that proves that caring for people saves money. The math is a little bit more than addition so they don't want to listen long enough because they don't understand the math, plus they like Hannity and FOX who rile them up to hate someone who they see getting 'free' stuff they don't get. A poor family getting 'free food???? Hate them. An American child of Mexican immigrants getting free immunizations their parents can't afford??? Hate them. Someone who advocates for helping the poor???? Hate them.

Never mind that the poor child without proper health care can spread disease to the other children in the classroom. Never mind those children can bring home disease to their families, and those parents need to miss work days, or use their health insurance, or go to work and get their co-workers sick. Never mind that a poor unhealthy kid in Texas can cost someone living miles away to use more health care service. That's too many steps for the MAGA crowd to follow. It is easier to just hate the immigrant family who can't afford health care that to simply provide the needed care and save money overall. HATE is easier for them than math.
They say misery loves company. Maga, his base, are always shown living in poor conditions, wearing wife beaters, living in mobile homes, 1 syllable vocabulary etc.. I'm of the opinion, they'd rather more people be on the same level as them economically(especially the "Others"). Rather that being happy for someone's success who wasn't born into a family who's grandfather was a pimp or a family who stole land from people who already owned it, the maga worships the spoil rich kids??? They worship the very people who wouldn't even spit on them if they were on fire. Maga is a follower. He votes against his best interest because really hates himself. Maga believes he's in with the elite crowd but they joke about him while at the country club. Eliminate welfare and more maga will be effected than the "immigrates" or the " Chicago(s)". In case maga doesn't know, this form of capitalism America is running will fail. One only need look at the national debt. One only need look at the highest number of vehicle Repos. One only need look at most Americans can't afford a 400 dollar emergency. Credit care debt is high. Maybe Maga will wake up one day but we all know better.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The ISP model forces people to spend money to manage fedex's business for them. The ISP model is a fraud. Fedex could do it all cheaper if fedex didn't fear the unions. Fedex could buy vehicles en masse cheaper than individual ISPs, could buy fuel in bulk, and even hire managers more cheaply if they didn't fear union wages and benefits, and liability. Now an ISP has to pay to get a job as a manager. ISPs are buying a job- not a business. FEDEX found a way to insulate themselves from public awareness that their serice is staffed by low income workers with no benefits common to most Americans- paid vacations, paid holidays, sick pay, and so on they even most non-union employers offer. It is part PR and PRT avoiding legal liability, and ISPs are told how vital they are, and some pay big money because in any other field, they would be considered as too unskilled to even manage their own starting time..

Some ISPs may be more educated or have more skill, but it us basically only a high school graduate level job. Some may have enough income to pay a little more or provide a minimal 'benefit' package, but that is the exception.

"figure out how to get them delivered"?????????But the box in the truck, and drive it there. Tough figuring- I did it for you. Must be highly skilled.
Whatever you say. How’s your company doing? Thriving under the ISP model?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
This seems clownish. I never mentioned the word free. I said no deductible, no copay, which is all true, and arguments can only be made by twisting the facts. And all those 'insurance jobs' lost will be able to jobs in the actual health CARE industry when millions more people are covered. All those doctors will need more people to cover the approximately 45 million who don't have insurance now and don't go the the doctor unless it becomes an emergency situation.

Where are all the extra doctors going to come from to meet this extra demand? Assuming the doctor factory can't crank out enough doctors to meet this extra demand, then we need some form of rationing or ridiculously long waits. Perhaps both.

Taking care of people NOW saves more money later. But MAGAts only see someone getting 'free' help they aren't getting and hate it. The honestly don't care about the math that proves that caring for people saves money. The math is a little bit more than addition so they don't want to listen long enough because they don't understand the math, plus they like Hannity and FOX who rile them up to hate someone who they see getting 'free' stuff they don't get. A poor family getting 'free food???? Hate them. An American child of Mexican immigrants getting free immunizations their parents can't afford??? Hate them. Someone who advocates for helping the poor???? Hate them.

Oh, please. The whole selling point of the Great Society social programs was that investments in poor people turn them into productive members of society. Trillions of dollars and five decades later, you're the only one who still believes that.

Never mind that the poor child without proper health care can spread disease to the other children in the classroom. Never mind those children can bring home disease to their families, and those parents need to miss work days, or use their health insurance, or go to work and get their co-workers sick. Never mind that a poor unhealthy kid in Texas can cost someone living miles away to use more health care service. That's too many steps for the MAGA crowd to follow. It is easier to just hate the immigrant family who can't afford health care that to simply provide the needed care and save money overall. HATE is easier for them than math.

"Why doesn't the MAGA crowd fall for my hilariously intricate hypothetical Rube Goldberg example that doesn't reflect reality?? HATE!"

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
this is not 1939. military does not need FedEx

It doesn't need any of the other airlines, either - but they're covered. In fact, there's a test to determine if trucking jobs fall under RLA jurisdiction. And those Express jobs pass it.

MF has been beating the drum for years that Express doesn't belong under RLA classification, but he's delusional as is often the case.


Well-Known Member
You are 100% wrong. FEDEX settled and the courts didn't rule on the current contract. The current contract hasn't been challenged, so your claim is either ignorant or a lie.
You are partially correct. Kelly was settled. The settlement set forth the relationship between contractors and FedEx and that drivers were not FedEx employees. The case was dismissed with prejudice. There is no legal barrier to the FXG model.

“The court hereby DISMISSES with prejudice this action, specifically including the Released Claims, with each party to bear its own costs and attorney's fees, except as provided below. The court incorporates the Class Action Settlement Agreement [Doc. No. 2650-1] by reference in this order.
As set forth in the Settlement Agreement, "Released Claims" means all claims, actions, causes of action, administrative claims, demands, debts, damages, penalties, costs, interest, attorneys' fees, obligations, judgments, expenses, or liabilities, in law or in equity, whether now known or unknown, contingent or absolute, which: (i) are owned or held by the plaintiffs and class members and/or by their affiliated business entities (if any), or any of them, as against Releasees, or any of them; (ii) arise under any statutory or common law claim which was asserted in this lawsuit or, whether or not asserted, could have been brought arising out of or related to the allegations of misclassification of plaintiffs and class members as independent contractors set forth in the operative complaint; and (iii) pertain to any time in the Release Period. The Released Claims include any known or unknown claims for damages and injunctive relief. The Released Claims include but are not limited to claims under The New York Labor Law § 193 et seq., the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201, and common law claims for fraud, breach of contract, rescission, unjust enrichment, or declaratory judgment. The release excludes claims arising under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C. §§ 1001 et seq. Further definitions of "Released Claims" can be found in Sec. I, para. S of the Settlement Agreement [Doc. No. 2650-1].

"Releasees" means: "(a) [FedEx Ground], and its consolidated subsidiaries, successors, predecessors, assigns, affiliates, parent companies, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, insurers, attorneys, and employees; and (b) [FedEx Ground's] past, present, and future shareholders, officers, directors, agents, employees, attorneys, and insurers." (Settlement Agreement, Sec I, para. T). "Release Period" refers to the time period from October 27, 1998 through April 30, 2016. (Settlement Agreement, Sec. I, para. U). [Doc. No. 2650-1].

D. Upon the entry of this order, the plaintiffs and all class members shall be deemed to have fully, finally, and forever released, relinquished, and discharged all Released Claims against all Releasees. "Class members" include "All persons who: 1) entered into a FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery Form Operating Agreement (now known as OP-149 and Form OP-149-RES); 2) drove a vehicle on a full-time basis (meaning exclusive of time off for commonly excused employment absences) from October 27, 1998 through October 15, 2007 to provide package pick-up and delivery services pursuant to the Operating Agreement; and 3) were dispatched out of a terminal in the state of New York." [Doc. No. 2650-1]. To the extent additional individuals are identified who qualify as class members under the terms of the settlement agreement, they will be bound by this order.

E. Upon the entry of this final approval order, the plaintiffs and all class members are barred and enjoined from asserting, filing, maintaining, or prosecuting, or in any way participating in the assertion, filing, maintenance or prosecution, of any action asserting any Released Claim against any of the Releasees, as set forth in and in accordance with the terms of the settlement agreement. Nothing in this order shall in any way impair or restrict the right of the parties to enforce the terms of the settlement.”

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
That's not how it works. Express employees are providing a service that cannot and does not exist without a fully functioning air network.
How would removing DGO from the RLA affect the air network? AGFS can remain under the RLA umbrella. Freight arrives at the destination hub as always, but is diverted to FXG instead of FXE. Massive disruption of interstate commerce is avoided.

Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't affect the RLA argument one way or the other. The largest threat, from the perspective of unions and strikes, is MEMH. MEMH could unionize, go on strike, and it would devastate our ability to function.

To be precise, it would have/could have destroyed the brand.

"The World on Time."
"Absolutely Positively Overnight."

Memphis didn't have to unionize.

Long ago,
All that was needed to break Fedex's back was a one night display of solidarity from the employees, with an employee sanctioned legal advocate to present Fred S with a solution he would/could not refuse to to sign.

If you or anyone else needs to be walked through this I will be glad to oblige you.

A new ship is currently in port, and Smith is/could be in the same position. Same song, next verse, same tone deaf employees, Smith has an extra exit that he does not want to take.

Care to bite Dano?


Well-Known Member
I disagree.

“Congress amended the RLA in 1936 to include coverage of air carriers. [5] The federal government's interest in the regulation of carrier labor disputes derives from its recognition that interstate commerce relies on the transportation industry and that any disruption of that industry resulting from labor unrest may have devastating effects on both the industry itself and the national economy.”

Since FXE will now be able to transfer freight to FXG, the potential for devastation is mitigated.

Since the justification to include FXE as an airline under RLA will no longer exist, it logically should be placed under the NLRB like UPS is.
I concur,
and argue a new method of delivering expedited goods at a premium did not justify preclusion of thousands of employees the opportunity of collective bargaining simply because one chose to procrastinate the purchase of flowers for valentines day, or a companies choice to not hold inventory.

If anyone understands any of the above, cheers.:thumbup1:


The only time commit they will have is 2000. If routes are out that late there’s already a problem.

The ISP model was litigated in Kelly v FedEx Ground. It settled several cases. It was the last legal hurdle for FedEx. Existing law supports the ISP model. New laws could change that, but they would be litigated as well.

FXG will be a contract carrier for FXE. Express will be a Ground customer.

I don’t understand all the doom and gloom.
Not true. They will have SO too


Well-Known Member
Because it's a stat that you pulled out of your rear end. Goes well with the "Divorce rates among managers are 2x/3x/4x the rates of everyone else" stat that someone else pulled out of his rear end.
Really? U can’t be in management. U woulda left that post alone. What is your job at express? I’ve told mine.. u ashamed?

The time commits are 8 PM.




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