Express raises.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
At our meeting, people were openly saying they wanted a union, right in front of management, which is very different from the norm, where people say it more privately

And in either case, do absolutely nothing after they say it. Slackers.


Engorged Member
And in either case, do absolutely nothing after they say it. Slackers.

Right. And why is that? It's because the finger that runs your mouth has an RLA, various politicians and corporations he can leverage, and a weak Teamsters unions "led" by a flaccid cardboard cut-out of his father. And you and your ilk take full advantage, knowing that you can get away with it.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Their corporate speak isn't keeping-up with the times. Word is that they parsed-out the 45-day/FMLA deal because the backlash was so strong in many areas. At our meeting, people were openly saying they wanted a union, right in front of management, which is very different from the norm, where people say it more privately.

This is one sad, pathetic organization, and they can't even provide a decent comeback any more to the obvious questions about compensation and working conditions.
Good I hope more people start to say it in meetings and it will reach those idiots running this place


Well-Known Member
Good I hope more people start to say it in meetings and it will reach those idiots running this place
They know. One of the main jobs taught to management is NO UNION EVER. That's when new managers get sent to Memphis for indoc. I had a friend became a manager and he said when he went there ,it actually scared him.


Engorged Member
They know. One of the main jobs taught to management is NO UNION EVER. That's when new managers get sent to Memphis for indoc. I had a friend became a manager and he said when he went there ,it actually scared him.

True. TUT, and others outside Express don't understand this. Neither do they understand the leverage Smith has, not just with politicians, but with suppliers/vendors. I've mentioned Smith using the Boeing 777 deal to kill RLA reform, and the Senators from Boeing were both Democrats.

Let's say FedEx is going to buy 2,000 Freightliners, and Obama proposes modifying the RLA again. Smith calls the Republican politician from the state that produces Freightliners and threatens to cancel the order if the legislation goes through (just like Boeing). Smith is so powerful that he probably calls Boehner or McConnell directly, and they answer. Even if Democrats represent the state, Smith gets his way because they don't want the political fallout if jobs or work are lost. So they cave...Smith wins. Even Obama has famously kissed Smith's ass with the "good CEO" comment.

I've long surmised that Hoffa gets some form of tribute from Smith to keep from mounting all-out campaigns. Sure, the IBT is trying to organize Freight, but they are weak and don't mount much of an effort. That way it looks like they're legit, and Hoffa can say he's fighting the fight.


Well-Known Member
True. TUT, and others outside Express don't understand this.

What you commented to I understood that. Every non-union company doesn't want a union, that is a-typical and most union companies would rather not have a union. It's common sense.

I also understand Fred is a powerful man, many large corporations have that as well.

I don't disagree with your response at all, that wasn't even part of what I wrote.


Well-Known Member
What you commented to I understood that. Every non-union company doesn't want a union, that is a-typical and most union companies would rather not have a union. It's common sense.

I also understand Fred is a powerful man, many large corporations have that as well.

I don't disagree with your response at all, that wasn't even part of what I wrote.
"People company".... If public only knew the trut..............


New Member
Bunch of cry babies, if you don't like fdx and the way it works, quit and get another job. You don't like the pay? Quit. Go to ups if you want more money because it'll never change


Engorged Member
Bunch of cry babies, if you don't like fdx and the way it works, quit and get another job. You don't like the pay? Quit. Go to ups if you want more money because it'll never change

Hey!! I can see you're certainly part of the "team". You'll fit in here just fine. Rah-rah, FedEx!! I guess after you drink the Kool-Aid long enough, your brain just dissolves.


New Member
Do what I do and get the word out.
If you really want to make noise write a nice letter and mail it to your CEO and have as many couriers as you can get to sign it and be sure to include all the pay BS that is going on. Also in a nice way include how you can bring this up to the attention of a news channel and how much they would love to hear about this.