Express raises.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
If you really want to make noise write a nice letter and mail it to your CEO and have as many couriers as you can get to sign it and be sure to include all the pay BS that is going on. Also in a nice way include how you can bring this up to the attention of a news channel and how much they would love to hear about this.

As if Fred would even see the letter or anyone would care?


Well-Known Member
If you really want to make noise write a nice letter and mail it to your CEO and have as many couriers as you can get to sign it and be sure to include all the pay BS that is going on. Also in a nice way include how you can bring this up to the attention of a news channel and how much they would love to hear about this.
That sounds like an excellent idea, you want us to sign it? Employee #'s as well?


Engorged Member
If you really want to make noise write a nice letter and mail it to your CEO and have as many couriers as you can get to sign it and be sure to include all the pay BS that is going on. Also in a nice way include how you can bring this up to the attention of a news channel and how much they would love to hear about this.

Dear Tool of Fred,

After you wipe the :censored2: off your nose, please take your suggestion and insert it appropriately. Did the Shill Dept. just hire you, or are you just a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Love and Kisses,


Well-Known Member
If you really want to make noise write a nice letter and mail it to your CEO and have as many couriers as you can get to sign it and be sure to include all the pay BS that is going on. Also in a nice way include how you can bring this up to the attention of a news channel and how much they would love to hear about this.
... Or I could just tell our customers how the company treats us. That works for me.


Well-Known Member
... Or I could just tell our customers how the company treats us. That works for me.
I do too, however the one thing I always explain to them is when they ask why I can't take the ground package that they called in 2 weeks in a row. Once I explain that ground is contractors and how it works? I probably inadvertently brought more business back to Express than any lead I ever put in. Which actually wasn't my intention.


New Member
Dear Tool of Fred,

After you wipe the :censored2: off your nose, please take your suggestion and insert it appropriately. Did the Shill Dept. just hire you, or are you just a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Love and Kisses,
Well do as you please and as you've been doing, nothing has changed and never will with all the I tried to give you hint to make it a little better for yourselves


Just telling it like it is
Well do as you please and as you've been doing, nothing has changed and never will with all the I tried to give you hint to make it a little better for yourselves
No, nothing changes when we don't bitch about the working conditions. At least we have a voice here. So sorry it's not to your liking.


Well do as you please and as you've been doing, nothing has changed and never will with all the I tried to give you hint to make it a little better for yourselves

Your posts were funnier under super handler and ops manager, but since I have a few moments to dispose of before I mow the lawn, let me give you the stock answer from the majority of posters on this board as to why finding a new job is not feasible: We are too old. Which, has SOME truth to it, but during my time with Fedex I saw more than one older courier move on to other companies, who offered better pay and benefits. In my experience, people generally prefer to complain about their current situation, rather than face the disruption of starting over with a new company.
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Engorged Member
As if Fred would even see the letter or anyone would care?

When Goldilocks first came to BC, she made a similar suggestion about writing a letter. It wasn't long before she had it figured-out. Fred and Friends are well aware of the low pay, the market level scam, and all the rest of it. If every courier in the country signed the letter, they'd hold a bunch of meetings to "address the problem", and then assess the findings to see if they were in conformance with "policy", and PSP.

After many months of analysis, NOTHING would change. Now, if we all sat on our bumpers tomorrow instead of pulling packages on the AM sort, things would start to happen. If the RTDs decided to all call-in sick on the same day, then more things would happen.

There isn't going to be a union given the current circumstances. Logically, the only way we get some relief is to start acting-out, and taking concrete actions that force them to improve pay and conditions.

I've been suggesting it for a long time, and I always get a few who are willing to join me. Unfortunately, it takes quite a few people to put a kink in Fred's pipe. This is the only way we're going to see meaningful change.


Engorged Member
Are you :censored2:ing kidding me? Henry David Thoreau, you are not. The only way your going to get any relief is from an ample dose of lithium, or getting A NEW :censored2:ING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You aren't too bright. As many others have said, quite a few of us are too old to look elsewhere and get something decent. There will be no union, so I guess we just sit here and do nothing like you. If I were younger, I'd be gone, but I'm not.

Just curious. How old are you, and what are you doing about anything except writing stupid responses to a valid suggestion?


You aren't too bright

The only thing that you seem to excel at is making unintentionally ironic comments.

If I were younger, I'd be gone, but I'm not

Yawn. That excuse really has become tiresome. When I worked at FedEx there were several geezers that left the company, and found higher compensating employment. It's not easy, but it can be done.

what are you doing about anything except writing stupid responses to a valid suggestion?

What am I doing? Well, since you asked; I have recently taken measures to retire somewhere in the neighborhood of the top three percent of all households, assuming average health, and also assuming there isn't an all-out systemic implosion (knock knock). How about you MRFDX? What are you "doing?" Putting your education to good use? Coming up with brilliant plans to topple "the man?" Employing your unique brand of "logic" to rally the masses? How does one adhere to the principles of WAD, and yet simultaneously profess to be a hard worker? That sounds like a classic example of Orwellian double-think, to me. That is to say, total bull:censored2:. Simply put, your a :censored2:ing joke, and your soapbox lectures are a detriment to your cause.


Active Member
if we all sat on our bumpers tomorrow instead of pulling packages on the AM sort, things would start to happen. If the RTDs decided to all call-in sick on the same day, then more things would happen..

I would be more then willing to join you but taking the chance that I'm not the only one sitting on my bumper is not necessarily a risk I am willing to take. I need my job....have a family to support and a little income is better then no income at all.


Engorged Member
The only thing that you seem to excel at is making unintentionally ironic comments.

Yawn. That excuse really has become tiresome. When I worked at FedEx there were several geezers that left the company, and found higher compensating employment. It's not easy, but it can be done.

What am I doing? Well, since you asked; I have recently taken measures to retire somewhere in the neighborhood of the top three percent of all households, assuming average health, and also assuming there isn't an all-out systemic implosion (knock knock). How about you MRFDX? What are you "doing?" Putting your education to good use? Coming up with brilliant plans to topple "the man?" Employing your unique brand of "logic" to rally the masses? How does one adhere to the principles of WAD, and yet simultaneously profess to be a hard worker? That sounds like a classic example of Orwellian double-think, to me. That is to say, total bull:censored2:. Simply put, your a :censored2:ing joke, and your soapbox lectures are a detriment to your cause.

Top 3%? LOFL. You sound a bit conflicted bud. I post here as a service to my fellow employees. It's my opinion, and I've never said otherwise. If we compare net worth, I will have you beat. Again, the 3% is BS. Are you going to become an online trader? You know, the ads that Glenn Back and the rest of them pimp as the road to wealth?
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Engorged Member
I would be more then willing to join you but taking the chance that I'm not the only one sitting on my bumper is not necessarily a risk I am willing to take. I need my job....have a family to support and a little income is better then no income at all.

I know. If I get fired, I'll do OK, but someone who hasn't been here a long time and isn't may age can't afford to be daring. If I do it, or just a couple of us do it, we get canned, and then they use us as an example to instill fear in others. That's why it's pretty much an all or nothing kind of deal.


Well-Known Member
Back to Pay raises, and other important stuff..

Why can't we file for equal pay under the FLSA now?

since we no longer use Seniority for pay(Seniority is only for vacations, and bidding)
We no longer have a Merit pay system
we don't have production based pay
and the final one is not clear, but doesn't seem to fit either.

Equal Pay for Equal Work

Men and women who do the same job or jobs that require equal skill and responsibility must be compensated with equal wages and benefits under a 1963 amendment to the FLSA called the Equal Pay Act. (29 U.S.C. § 206.) Be aware, however, that some payment schemes that may look discriminatory at first glance do not actually violate the Equal Pay Act. The Act allows disparate payments to men and women if they are based on:

• seniority systems

• merit systems

• systems measuring earnings by quantity or quality of production, such as a piece goods arrangement, or

• any factor other than sex—for example, salary differentials that stem from unequal starting salaries based on differences in experience levels.