Express raises.


Top 3%? LOFL. You sound a bit conflicted bud. I post here as a service to my fellow employees. It's my opinion, and I've never said otherwise. If we compare net worth, I will have you beat. Again, the 3% is BS. Are you going to become an online trader? You know, the ads that Glenn Back and the rest of them pimp as the road to wealth?

You live in a state of perpetual fantasy to compensate for the fact that you never made anything of yourself. Tell me, why didn't you leave the company in the mid-nineties? You have stated in several posts that the company has been in a state of decline since then. You would think that a really smart guy, such as yourself, would have left back then. Could it be you have nothing to offer? Why would you bother professing your superior to anybody, in any way, much less myself?


You live in a state of perpetual fantasy to compensate for the fact that you never made anything of yourself. Tell me, why didn't you leave the company in the mid-nineties? You have stated in several posts that the company has been in a state of decline since then. You would think that a really smart guy, such as yourself, would have left back then. Could it be you have nothing to offer? Why would you bother professing your superior to anybody, in any way, much less myself?
I think the better question is if you left FedEx for greener pastures, why in the hell do you spend your free time posting on this forum about FedEx?


Again, the 3% is BS

Don't go projecting your issues on me. I surmise that you are somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years older, and you have mentioned in other posts that you don't even have your 401(k) maxed out. So you will have to forgive me if I find your assertion of a greater networth completely absurd.


Engorged Member
Don't go projecting your issues on me. I surmise that you are somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years older, and you have mentioned in other posts that you don't even have your 401(k) maxed out. So you will have to forgive me if I find your assertion of a greater networth completely absurd.

I have made the maximum contribution of 15% since I was first eligible. I also invest in real estate. Unless your net worth is over $1M, you're not even close. I can't withdraw until I'm at least 55 without a big penalty.


If I could retire in the top 3%, I could find a million other things to do than posting on this forum. Just sayin.

Please read the original post. I said my current savings plan has me around the top three percent at retirement, which is many years from now, unfortunately. Furthermore, by the time I do retire, it will be necessary to have a million plus networth (which puts you in the top 3.5 percent, or so) to enjoy an upper-middle class lifestyle. Really, it just shows how big the gap is between the one percent, and everybody else. I hope this clarifies.


Well-Known Member
Back to Pay raises, and other important stuff..

Why can't we file for equal pay under the FLSA now?

since we no longer use Seniority for pay(Seniority is only for vacations, and bidding)
We no longer have a Merit pay system
we don't have production based pay
and the final one is not clear, but doesn't seem to fit either.

Equal Pay for Equal Work

Men and women who do the same job or jobs that require equal skill and responsibility must be compensated with equal wages and benefits under a 1963 amendment to the FLSA called the Equal Pay Act. (29 U.S.C. § 206.) Be aware, however, that some payment schemes that may look discriminatory at first glance do not actually violate the Equal Pay Act. The Act allows disparate payments to men and women if they are based on:

• seniority systems

• merit systems

• systems measuring earnings by quantity or quality of production, such as a piece goods arrangement, or

• any factor other than sex—for example, salary differentials that stem from unequal starting salaries based on differences in experience levels.
This may be the single best thing ever posted on this forum. Class action lawsuit anyone?


Well-Known Member
Please read the original post. I said my current savings plan has me around the top three percent at retirement, which is many years from now, unfortunately. Furthermore, by the time I do retire, it will be necessary to have a million plus networth (which puts you in the top 3.5 percent, or so) to enjoy an upper-middle class lifestyle. Really, it just shows how big the gap is between the one percent, and everybody else. I hope this clarifies.
Upper middle class lifestyle? How much do people in the upper middle class gross annually? $250k? A bit more or less? If you think a million dollars, adjusted for inflation 20+ years from now, will you give you an upper middle class lifestyle for another 20+ years you're kidding yourself. And this is the fallacy that we're all pushed into believing, that material wealth is the yardstick we're judged by. Hey, why didn't all us clever old timers leave in the 90's? I did, and screwed myself out of decent pay and a much better pension. Why did I come back? What I tried didn't work out, FedEx was what I knew, and I realized the value of that traditional pension. I still believed in the company enough to accept what they were saying as truth, that I'd top out in 7 to 8 years. Guys like you want to put everything on us as if the company can say or do anything and if we're too gullible then we deserve to be taken advantage of. For guys like you it's all about the big money exec's make, and we're just here to benefit them. It's bad enough what you do to us, but you crap on our families too in the name of the all mighty Dollar. Upper middle class? 1%er's? You have no class, you're just money grubbers. All the money in the world won't change that.


Well-Known Member
Upper middle class lifestyle? How much do people in the upper middle class gross annually? $250k? A bit more or less? If you think a million dollars, adjusted for inflation 20+ years from now, will you give you an upper middle class lifestyle for another 20+ years you're kidding yourself. And this is the fallacy that we're all pushed into believing, that material wealth is the yardstick we're judged by. Hey, why didn't all us clever old timers leave in the 90's? I did, and screwed myself out of decent pay and a much better pension. Why did I come back? What I tried didn't work out, FedEx was what I knew, and I realized the value of that traditional pension. I still believed in the company enough to accept what they were saying as truth, that I'd top out in 7 to 8 years. Guys like you want to put everything on us as if the company can say or do anything and if we're too gullible then we deserve to be taken advantage of. For guys like you it's all about the big money exec's make, and we're just here to benefit them. It's bad enough what you do to us, but you crap on our families too in the name of the all mighty Dollar. Upper middle class? 1%er's? You have no class, you're just money grubbers. All the money in the world won't change that.

It's not just inflation it also has to do with what part of the country you live in. Where I'm at if you have a 2 Income household grossing 120k annually you are comfortable, house in a good neighborhood 2 cars etc.

But if you compare that with California or New York 120k will put you in the low middle class compared to the wages those areas