Express raises.


Well-Known Member
So that justifies the 20 customers who got screwed?
When you are sent out over stop count, that becomes the managers problem, not mine. Do I feel bad for those 20 people? Yeah, a bit but at the end of the day it was something that could have been avoided in the first place. Too many managers think that once the packages are through that door, it isn't their problem anymore.

Sorry but I work at the same pace every day. Send me out with more than I can do and you're going to have lates and more than likely, non delivered packages.


Well-Known Member
So that justifies the 20 customers who got screwed?

It doesn't justify it, but it's not the courier's fault. Ops managers should not send a courier out blindly overloading him with P1s and expect them to not have service failures. No courier should have to speed/take unsafe action to make service.


Talked to the District Mngr. and he did give some info on the big raise announcement this year. He said they had already decided on a plan for topping out in X amount of years (he would not specify the years because he said if they changed it he did not want to give false information) they will take your wage difference and divide it among the X years you need to reach their top out goal.... and that is how they will determine your yearly raise until you top out.

HOWEVER he also said this will NOT start this year only the announcement will be this year.... he said this year the raise will be the same for everyone across the board whether it is 2% or more it will not depend on what percentile you fall into.

Also he threw in at the end of everything

"You also have to remember that it will only be done within the companies ability to do so"

So basically any year they say wasn't profitable enough they can just say we are not able to continue the rate adjustment plan but we will continue it as soon as possible. To plan better for this year we will suspend raises.

Like the first year they made this ranking scale to "adjust" rates first year I got the lowest raise they said they would continue it to get people caught up and the next year i think was the year we got no raise? Then the raises got pushed back 6 months etc.. and the most current Im back in the low tier again got a 2% raise new hires got 3% top pay got 3%.


Well-Known Member
You can and will get fired for hubby a 29yr employee got fired for gross service failures, over 10 a day for 2 days. He never called in sick in 29 years or had a "letter". In August he got a letter for red light violation, September for forgetting to put an x in the VIR and in October for gross service failures. He did get his job back but believe me, you can get fired for any dumb thing.

Did he ask for help either day before leaving the station or while on road?


Well-Known Member
Managers don't care about customers until an angry one calls the station and demands action. The action they take usually involves throwing the courier under the bus.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
We are constantly having to absorb p1 routes that dra creates that we have no one to run. Our managers could care less about lates. As long as it's on someone's truck and out of there hair is all there worried about.


Well-Known Member
We are constantly having to absorb p1 routes that dra creates that we have no one to run. Our managers could care less about lates. As long as it's on someone's truck and out of there hair is all there worried about.

P1 lates are the only thing that matter anymore, have as many standard overnight lates as you want during the week you will never hear about it

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Back to Pay raises, and other important stuff..

Why can't we file for equal pay under the FLSA now?

since we no longer use Seniority for pay(Seniority is only for vacations, and bidding)
We no longer have a Merit pay system
we don't have production based pay
and the final one is not clear, but doesn't seem to fit either.

Unless you can show that you're being discriminated against, you are out of luck. We don't use any of those measures to determine pay because (in whole or in part) they can lead to discrimination lawsuits. The only smart option left is to establish a clear step pay system, but that won't happen so we're stuck with what we have now.