Express raises.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Thankfully. I've seen people who take years to realize they're being treated like pieces of trash. Very sad.

I have a friend who finally saw the light last year after 27 years. Man, she's driving me crazy with it. Lol. She has been doing all kinds of research on the internet about FedEx, lawsuits, poor treatment of employees, etc.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
Talked to the District Mngr. and he did give some info on the big raise announcement this year. He said they had already decided on a plan for topping out in X amount of years (he would not specify the years because he said if they changed it he did not want to give false information) they will take your wage difference and divide it among the X years you need to reach their top out goal.... and that is how they will determine your yearly raise until you top out.

HOWEVER he also said this will NOT start this year only the announcement will be this year.... he said this year the raise will be the same for everyone across the board whether it is 2% or more it will not depend on what percentile you fall into.

If this is the course they follow our station will probably lose most of the new people we've hired in the past year. They've already figured out they're screwed when it comes to wage progression. If they see it isn't something that's going to be addressed this year they will look to greener pastures.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
They all come around eventually...I even remember back in the day when Goldi still carried a torch for Freddlesworth - and look at her today. She'd like to stuff that torch up his south oorifice :laugh:


Well-Known Member
But for new hires, that first carrot dangled is good enough to keep them there for a bit longer :)

FedEx hired a lot this year after not hiring off the street in quite a few years. This magic carrot may be more for the new hires than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
While everything you say is on the money, good luck getting past the second or third sentence before you get cut off and she starts trying to blow sunshine and rainbows up your butt.
:pirate: I was told she had an open door policy! LOL. But it turns out she is protected by echelons of praetorian guards, much like Roman royalty.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
But for new hires, that first carrot dangled is good enough to keep them there for a bit longer :)

FedEx hired a lot this year after not hiring off the street in quite a few years. This magic carrot may be more for the new hires than anyone else.

They hire constantly at my station. High turnover. I live in an expensive area and people wise up quickly. They are so desperate for bodies that we have a guy who is literally brain damaged. He can't run a full route. They have to find stuff for him to do. He gets lost a lot and is constantly losing his keys. Lol.


Staff member
They hire constantly at my station. High turnover. I live in an expensive area and people wise up quickly. They are so desperate for bodies that we have a guy who is literally brain damaged. He can't run a full route. They have to find stuff for him to do. He gets lost a lot and is constantly losing his keys. Lol.


Well-Known Member
They hire constantly at my station. High turnover. I live in an expensive area and people wise up quickly. They are so desperate for bodies that we have a guy who is literally brain damaged. He can't run a full route. They have to find stuff for him to do. He gets lost a lot and is constantly losing his keys. Lol.
That's just FedEx showing how much of a people company they are; Giving jobs to the disabled. We should all be proud to work for such a forward thinking, compassionate company. We should all work for free tomorrow as a big thanks to the crew out in Memphis.

It totally has nothing to do with the company only being able to attract bottom of the barrel candidates...

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
That's just FedEx showing how much of a people company they are; Giving jobs to the disabled. We should all be proud to work for such a forward thinking, compassionate company. We should all work for free tomorrow as a big thanks to the crew out in Memphis.

It totally has nothing to do with the company only being able to attract bottom of the barrel candidates...

Tax write off for Fedex?


Engorged Member
They hire constantly at my station. High turnover. I live in an expensive area and people wise up quickly. They are so desperate for bodies that we have a guy who is literally brain damaged. He can't run a full route. They have to find stuff for him to do. He gets lost a lot and is constantly losing his keys. Lol.

We hire brain-damaged people all the time. They are called Ops Managers.


New Member
Mainly because management has tricked them into thinking they will be fired for lates

You can and will get fired for hubby a 29yr employee got fired for gross service failures, over 10 a day for 2 days. He never called in sick in 29 years or had a "letter". In August he got a letter for red light violation, September for forgetting to put an x in the VIR and in October for gross service failures. He did get his job back but believe me, you can get fired for any dumb thing.


New Member
I feel like something is missing in this story because he wasn't falsifying anything. If his manager told him to deliver to the medical place first if it came down to those 2 stops left and he did not do it, that would be an issue, but I don't see how he could be fired for it. No one can get fired for lates. You can get fired for accidents/occurences, falsification, fighting and failing a drug test.
You can get fired for lates...seen it happen before


Well-Known Member
It's different if he asked for help and was told there was none. This is usually the case at my station and the reply is usually "do your best." I can't imagine someone that survived this long in the company not telling their manager that they are over in the morning.