One of our supervisors has really been making me mad lately because they always pick me to help someone and most of the time I'm not even finished with my own work yet.
4 out of 5 days of the week I am told via diad to go help someone when there are many drivers who are done for the day that get to go home. Some have more seniority than me but some also have less seniority than me. The only reason this supervisor asks me to help is because I know most of the routes and they don't want to send others out to help that don't know the area. That itself is bull
because I am being singled out and punished for simply knowing routes. One day I messaged back to send a lower seniority driver to help a certain driver instead and was responded with "no way, they don't know that area."
The most recent time, I worked over an 11 hour day and I was told there were stops for me at the center when I got back to deliver. So I get back to find another 2 and a half hours of work I had to do, but there were drivers who left already. I know I have to WAD, but I need some suggestions on how to make this blatant singling out stop. I plan on filing an article 37 grievance on Monday for harassment since that is exactly what's happening. Anyone else have any ideas on how to fix this situation?
P.s. I am a swing driver not on the 9.5 list so I can't use that as a defense...yet