Well-Known Member
Back up a couple of posts and you will see this is what I have been saying...
Someone else brought up deductions and I objected...
I am 100% for a Flat Rate Federal Sales Tax that ALL must pay... Citizens, non citizen vacationers, children, elderly, prostitutes, drug dealers, terrorists...
I do believe in addition we need local taxes on property and vehicles because that is what supports local government. Someone in Washington should not decide how money is spent in Boise Idaho for police and roads. If you do it based on population then how do you figure in major interstates that are fequently traveled in that state? Increases in crime? Plus we do not need Federal Government threatening to cut funds if a state does not do as they are told. Example is Seatbelt laws, any state without a manditory seatbelt law will not get highway funds. I am not against seatbelt laws but I am against bullying - Do this or loose this...
Money for towns and state would not leave before it was sent to Washington, under the Current system most of the money is comming from Washington, plus under the current system, Medicare, Social security, medicaid are all going to go bankrupt, under the Fair Tax everything is funded %100, and %23 is a worst case scenario, it more likely to be %15