hedges interviews a bunch of american fascists in his new book. ironically the whites are terrorizing people they think are terrorists. the white fascists either have
jobs or none or a
ty economic situation. some are getting divorced. they correctly believe a disaster is coming to america. they have conspiracy ideas on the level of alex jones and are quite deluded.
one of the guys is a marine for 6 years and he thinks part of the reason he thinks muslims want violence is the koran, and the other part is american empire LOL:
The Culture of Hate
"There are far more calls by the God of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Book of Revelation for holy war, genocide, and savage ethnic cleansing than in the Koran, from the killing of the firstborns in Egypt to the wholesale annihilation of the Canaanites...And while the Koran urges believers to fight, it is also emphatic about showing mercy to captured enemies, something almost always scorned in the Bible, where, according to Psalm 137, those who smash the heads of Babylonian infants on the rocks are blessed. Whole books of the Bible celebrate divinely sanctioned genocide. The Koran doesn’t come close. The willful blindness by these self‐proclaimed Christian warriors about their own holy book is breathtaking"
"“Since day one,” he said of Marine Corps boot camp, “you’re just screaming, ‘Kill!’ There’s nothing behind it. There’s no ‘Kill this.’ There’s no ‘Kill that.’ It’s just, ‘Kill.’...
Meyer described how he and other militia members, also veterans,
casually spoke of killing people when they gathered at events such as the Freedom of Speech rally in Washington, D.C., in June 2017.
“Everyone will just say,
‘I just want to ing kill someone,’” Meyer said.
“It’s not out of hate or rage,” he went on. “It’s just what was drilled into them for so long, for so many years.”