FBI Raids Mar-a-lago


All Trash No Trailer


Inordinately Right
That's Father of the Year stuff right there
I agree it seems Trump was a great father to his highly successful children.

It's probably tough to raise kids that good when they have access to so much money and fame.

Some get crappy parents and end up being crackheads who can't even keep track of their laptops filled with prostitute sex videos. Sad


All Trash No Trailer
I agree it seems Trump was a great father to his highly successful children.

It's probably tough to raise kids that good when they have access to so much money and fame.

Some get crappy parents and end up being crackheads who can't even keep up their laptops filled with prostitute sex videos. Sad
yes,bringing your teenage daughter ,whose mom was your sidechick when you were married to another woman, and who you state you'd like to bang on national TV no less , around a sex trafficker that you are friends with is certainly being a good Parent


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
A new Rasmussen poll finds that 68 percent of Americans think elections are rigged in favor of incumbents. And they're basically right.

The term "rigged" might go a tad far. The problem here isn't fraud. In elections, like in so much else, the scandal is what's legal.

Incumbents get a voice in gerrymandering — meaning that the politicians, in an inversion of the normal rules of democracy, get to choose their voters. They begin raising money starting the day they're elected so by the time their reelection rolls around their challenger is at a severe financial disadvantage.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“A Trump employee has told the FBI about being directed by the former President to move boxes out of a basement storage room to his residence at Mar-a-Lago after Donald Trump’s legal team received a subpoena for any classified documents at the Florida estate, according to a source familiar with the witness’ description.

The FBI also has surveillance footage showing a staffer moving boxes out of the storage room, the source told CNN.

The witness account of Trump’s actions after the subpoena was served in May coupled with the footage could be key to the federal criminal investigation that’s looking into a range of potential crimes, including obstruction, destruction of government records and mishandling of classified information.“

“The Trump employee initially denied handling sensitive documents or boxes at Mar-a-Lago, according to the source. But the FBI developed evidence that prompted investigators to go back to the witness, who revised their story to say Trump had given instructions to move the boxes, the source said.”