FBI Raids Mar-a-lago


Well-Known Member
Garland's order did not direct localities to increase police presence at school board meetings or make arrests — local decisions that the attorney general does not control.

“The Marshal of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Police are responsible for the protection of the United States Supreme Court and its facilities,” the statement said. “The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) has a strong partnership with the Supreme Court Police, and upon the request of the Marshal of the Supreme Court, the USMS does provide assistance as needed.”
US Marshals Service
It's the DOJ that enforces Federal law. It is a Federal crime to protest at the residence of a Supreme Court justice. Doesn't matter if the USMS has men there for protection. Garland refused to clear those protesters away.

The fact remains that Garland discussed in a memorandum investigating parents who were protesting the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Virginia schools. A major reason a Republican got elected governor in a state that had become very Democratic.


Inordinately Right
Garland's order did not direct localities to increase police presence at school board meetings or make arrests — local decisions that the attorney general does not control.
This is the typical way you left wingers fact check, just knocking down strawmen.
The Justice Department will launch a series of additional efforts in the coming days designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel. Those efforts are expected to include the creation of a task force, consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes, and ways to assist state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement where threats of violence may not constitute federal crimes.

The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators. This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.
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It's the DOJ that enforces Federal law. It is a Federal crime to protest at the residence of a Supreme Court justice. Doesn't matter if the USMS has men there for protection. Garland refused to clear those protesters away.

The fact remains that Garland discussed in a memorandum investigating parents who were protesting the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Virginia schools. A major reason a Republican got elected governor in a state that had become very Democratic.
Let's see the memorandum.
This is the typical way you left wingers fact check, just knocking down strawmen.
The Justice Department will launch a series of additional efforts in the coming days designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel. Those efforts are expected to include the creation of a task force, consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes, and ways to assist state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement where threats of violence may not constitute federal crimes.

The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators. This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.
"...Garland who wanted to sic the FBI on parents who complained at school board meetings. "
This is what Van claimed.


Well-Known Member
Making threats is kind of different than complaining.
They were treating complaints as threats. Funny how Garland was concerned about parents complaining after a major Democratic donor, the National School Boards Association, went to him yet was not willing to stop abortion protesters who were actually breaking the law. This DOJ has been weaponized against conservatives.


All Trash No Trailer
Orange Man may be regretting asking for a 'Special Master'

Special master vents at Trump team: 'I need some beef' for privilege claims​

Special master Judge Raymond Dearie voiced frustration over the lack of information he has received from former President Donald Trump's legal team during a conference call Tuesday.

Dearie, who is the third-party lawyer appointed to filter out any privileged material from the Mar-a-Lago raid stash, argued an initial log the Trump team provided him was slim on details, making it difficult for him to adjudicate whether he should shield the material in question from the Justice Department's investigation of Trump's handling of documents.

It’s a little perplexing as I go through the log,” Dearie explained during the call, the New York Times reported. “What’s the expression — ‘Where’s the beef?’ I need some beef.”

The Tuesday call with lawyers from both sides largely centered around a subset of documents that the DOJ separated from the main batch by the department's in-house filter team, according to the report. The call could preview additional points of friction between Dearie and Trump's team when they move on to the rest of the document trove.

Dearie said Trump's team should give the names of lawyers connected to material they deem protected via attorney-client privilege, per the report. At one point, he also criticized both sides for failing to resolve minor disputes among themselves.

He cited an example of a letter that had been found at Mar-a-Lago addressed to the DOJ, but the agency declined to say whether there was such a receipt.

“I don’t want to be dealing with nonsense objections, nonsense assertions, especially when I have one month to deal with who knows how many assertions,” Dearie said, per CNN.

Another example he raised was a document about Trump's personal property, which Trump's team insisted was protected by executive privilege — an assertion usually reserved for presidential material.

“Unless I’m wrong, and I’ve been wrong before, there’s certainly an incongruity there,” Judge Dearie quipped, per CNN.

Dearie was appointed to the post by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee who approved the former president's request for a special master to evaluate the document trove. The DOJ is appealing that decision. A prior court order set a mid-December deadline for him to make decisions on the documents.

Both sides are reportedly expected to make most of their privilege claims by the middle of next month.

The two sides have clashed on several occasions since the special master's appointment. Dearie's review remains ongoing while the legal challenges against the special master appointment play out in court.


All Trash No Trailer
tenor (3).gif


All Trash No Trailer
But his Emails!!!!

Oct. 19 (UPI) -- A California federal judge has ordered John Eastman, a former attorney for President Donald Trump, to release more emails to House investigators.

U.S. District Judge David Carter ruled Wednesday that Eastman's communications with Trump were made in furtherance of the former president's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Carter ordered Eastman to turn over 33 emails to the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol.

"The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public," Carter said. "The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States."

Judge Carter has already released many of Eastman's emails but there is still a dispute over 562 additional documents Eastman's Chapman University email account.

Eight of the documents relate to the crimes of obstructing an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the United States, the Hill reported.

Carter's new order cited one email where Trump's attorneys state that "merely having this case pending in the Supreme Court, and not ruled on, may be enough to delay consideration of Georgia," according to CNN.

"This email, read in context with other documents in this review, make clear that President Trump filed certain lawsuits not to obtain legal relief, but to disrupt or delay the January 6 congressional proceedings through the courts," Carter said.

Eastman must also hand over portions of materials related to his proposal for then-Vice President Mike Pence to disrupt certification of the 2020 election.


All Trash No Trailer
I know this is a shock,but Trump lied BIGLY under oath. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!!

Trump LIED in federal court in Georgia election lawsuit, judge finds​

ACalifornia federal judge on Wednesday said then-President Donald Trump had signed a sworn statement asserting that voter fraud numbers included in a 2020 election lawsuit were accurate, despite being told the numbers were not correct.

U.S. District Judge David Carter made the disclosure in ordering lawyer John Eastman to provide more emails to the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump's supporters.

Eastman was one of Trump's attorneys when the former president and his allies challenged his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden.

Representatives for Trump and Eastman did not immediately return requests for comment.

Carter said Wednesday that Trump had 'signed a verification swearing under oath' that the inaccurate fraud numbers were 'true and correct' or 'believed to be true and correct' to the best of his knowledge and belief, when alleging the improper counting of votes in a county in Georgia.

'The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public,' the judge wrote.


nowhere special
I know this is a shock,but Trump lied BIGLY under oath. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!!

Trump LIED in federal court in Georgia election lawsuit, judge finds​

ACalifornia federal judge on Wednesday said then-President Donald Trump had signed a sworn statement asserting that voter fraud numbers included in a 2020 election lawsuit were accurate, despite being told the numbers were not correct.

U.S. District Judge David Carter made the disclosure in ordering lawyer John Eastman to provide more emails to the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump's supporters.

Eastman was one of Trump's attorneys when the former president and his allies challenged his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden.

Representatives for Trump and Eastman did not immediately return requests for comment.

Carter said Wednesday that Trump had 'signed a verification swearing under oath' that the inaccurate fraud numbers were 'true and correct' or 'believed to be true and correct' to the best of his knowledge and belief, when alleging the improper counting of votes in a county in Georgia.

'The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public,' the judge wrote.
Too bad Trump wasn't on trial so the judges opinion is meaningless.


All Trash No Trailer
Ya'll laugh all you want,give all the Thumbs down you want but the ball is already rolling over Trump lying under oath,It's absolutely hysterical that this centers around Email. Karma is a fickle lady

Judge demands to turn over to House committee documentation evidencing that Trump inflated his fraud theories​

Federal Judge David Carter has ordered attorney John Eastman, a key figure in former President Donald Trump's attempts to challenge the 2020 election results, to turn over to the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection some 30 documents that would prove that the tycoon was aware that his claims were unfounded.
In his order, Judge Carter notes the presence among that documentation of a series of emails in which Eastman claims that Trump, despite signing under oath to the contrary, knew that those instances of voter fraud to challenge the results in Georgia were "inaccurate."

The contents of that email exchange are the focus of the lawsuit filed by Trump's legal team in early December 2020. It alleges that in Fulton County, Georgia, the votes of 10,315 deceased persons, 2,560 with criminal records and 2,423 unregistered voters were "incorrectly" included.
However, according to the judge, shortly before the lawsuit was filed, Eastman conveyed his "concern" to the legal team of former President Trump "about the inclusion of a number of numbers, particularly in the paragraph dealing with felons, deceased, transferred, etc.," reports NBC.

"Although the president signed a verification by Dec. 1, he has since been advised that some of the allegations were incorrect," the judge explains. Despite this, "Trump and his lawyers ultimately filed the complaint with the same inaccurate numbers without rectifying, clarifying or changing them," he notes.

"Moreover, President Trump signed under oath that those inaccurate numbers 'are either correct' or he 'believes them to be correct' to the best of his knowledge," stresses the judge, for whom those emails in Eastman's possession "are sufficiently related to and in support of a conspiracy to defraud the United States."

Judge Carter thus agrees with the House committee, which asked to reject the argument of attorney-client privilege made by Eastman, since there is evidence that both he and Trump are "involved in a criminal conspiracy against the United States".