FBI Raids Mar-a-lago


Well-Known Member

This incident and the Mara Logo incident do not cancel one another out. We have a serious failure to secure classified documents Are these simply two isolated incidents? if not then what else is floating around out there?
If this isn't bad enough....we let Ana Montes out of jail just the other day. My god! How did she get away with it for almost two decades until somebody caught onto to her?


Well-Known Member
This incident and the Mara Logo incident do not cancel one another out. We have a serious failure to secure classified documents Are these simply two isolated incidents? if not then what else is floating around out there?
If this isn't bad enough....we let Ana Montes out of jail just the other day. My god! How did she get away with it for almost two decades until somebody caught onto to her?
Lol youā€™re a riot! Awesome stuff!


Well-Known Member
This incident and the Mara Logo incident do not cancel one another out. We have a serious failure to secure classified documents Are these simply two isolated incidents? if not then what else is floating around out there?
If this isn't bad enough....we let Ana Montes out of jail just the other day. My god! How did she get away with it for almost two decades until somebody caught onto to her?
One significant difference... Biden was VP when these documents were taken. Only the president can declassify documents. Biden had no power or authority to take those documents.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Throw Trump in prison for possessing classified documents. Biden and Hillary mishandling the same? Crickets from the hypocritical Left and mainstream media. Business as usual.


Well-Known Member
Throw Trump in prison for possessing classified documents. Biden and Hillary mishandling the same? Crickets from the hypocritical Left and mainstream media. Business as usual.
Itā€™s quite nauseating, isnā€™t it? 300 pages of ā€œTrump needs to go to jail for thisā€ and when the tables are turned, itā€™s no big deal? Iā€™m not suggesting either of them are right Iā€™m just saying, I dislike hypocrisy, no matter who itā€™s from.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
One significant difference... Biden was VP when these documents were taken. Only the president can declassify documents. Biden had no power or authority to take those documents.
The FBI doesn't seem interested in the Biden top secret documents? Wonder why?

This FBI needs full investigation.


Well-Known Member
All the federal agencies need to be looked into.

Donā€™t worry, they will be, the problem is theyā€™ll be looked into my other federal agencies, who have friends and families in the other agencies in question, and theyā€™ll find nothing wrong or hide it. The beat goes on for the bureaucratic state.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It's weird how Joe Biden found classified documents and voluntarily returned them without:
-claiming he magically declassified them
-saying the FBI planted them
-lying about having already returned them
-needing to have his :censored2:ty golf motel searched.