Fedex Advocacy Center


Well-Known Member
how many of you have been asked to put your name to a cut and paste FedEx email to congress?

The bottom is interesting, *Any changed email will be reviewed for content


Well-Known Member
You reap what you sow, so be it. They want your help now? Now that real money is on the line, not just Dickinson you around with your raises? Too little too late FedEx.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Fedex at it again. I remember how much they pushed everyone with the antiTeamster thing. I haven't seen it but if they ask, screw them. I'm not sending anything. I'm surprised they aren't sending them for us from our email accounts.
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Well-Known Member
A few years ago when UPS was trying to get the RLA repealed we were all asked (paid) to send a similar form letter to our local elected officials.

Do our employers really think that these officials are so stupid that they don't realize that these are form letters?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
A few years ago when UPS was trying to get the RLA repealed we were all asked (paid) to send a similar form letter to our local elected officials.

Do our employers really think that these officials are so stupid that they don't realize that these are form letters?
When you say paid, I'm guessing you were just on the clock? Like y'all did it at the beginning or end of your shift?


Well-Known Member
When I saw this yesterday at my work computer, I immediately thought of the tens of thousands of Fedex employees who are window licking, mouth breathing, cannot walk and chew gum at the same time individuals. And do not have any access to Fedex computers at all. And after my brief chuckle, I wondered what kind of monumental task it would be to explain to the average rank and file. Things like NAFTA, TPP, and international trade in whole. And then have them compose an honest and meaningful expression.


Engorged Member
View attachment 117240 how many of you have been asked to put your name to a cut and paste FedEx email to congress?

The bottom is interesting, *Any changed email will be reviewed for content

Poor Fred. This reeks of FEPAC years ago. I'm so upset that Fred is butt hurt by politics instead of being helped by them.

I'll sign it Weasel, when you lobby Congress to eliminate the RLA classification.

Eff you, Smith.


Well-Known Member
Tell them that you'll sign it when Smith restores your pension and healthcare plan to it's original design and benefit level.


Engorged Member
You reap what you sow, so be it. They want your help now? Now that real money is on the line, not just Dickinson you around with your raises? Too little too late FedEx.

Eff Smith. I guess his boy Corker can't help. Time for someone new. Trumpski is probably mad because Smith has more money than he does.

I feel so bad for Fred that I'm going to take a dump and name it for him.