FedEx Dispatchers

Star B

White Lightening
We have great dispatchers.. Quick, knowledgable, willing to change a close if a valid case is made or they get in contact w/ the customer, listens to us and does what they can..... it also helps when you can take a massive stinky on their car when they piss you off. They really don't like the taco bell :censored2:s all over their windshield.

I’ve been wondering if my dispatches actually call customers when changing a close time but figure I don’t really need to know.
Ours do when we don't make a case (retail place is open until X anyway). Typically we get a detailed message from them back with where it's going to be, any access restrictions (gate shut, gotta walk to the door)... etc.
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59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
On the very rural route I was on in AZ there were some folks who lived about 23 miles up a road that wasn't much more than a rocky goat path the last 10 miles. The previous courier did it once and it took her 5 hours roundtrip. They told her they had never had anyone come up it before, kind of shocked. So when I got one for them that previous courier told me no way, too risky. I was going to be out past 2200 already, heavy day. Doing it would've put me out until 3 a.m.!

Two options. "Road impassable, unable to safely attempt." Or tell dispatch that you'll do it and will miss the CTV departure and let him figure it out.


Sheesh, when I message my dispatch about an unexpected closed, they always call the business and leave a message, then let me know. I guess ours are allowed to use the phone.