I understand what your saying and there is nothing wrong with that approach, however sometimes the customers do not see these things through our eyes and dont quite understand the way we try to segregate our packages All they see is the cost and how it impacts their bottom line, so if we can be flexible in some areas to inable us to keep buisness that we would otherwise lose I see that as a victory for all of us. I know here on the west coast feeder is very teritorrial even between other buildings, they dont like to give anything up specially to freight guys. With that said I still think that whats important is that we can keep customers without jeopardizing our company, and apparently the union agrees. No hard feelings we just can agree to dissagree.
If sales has to make a deal to keep business by offering a lower rate,fine. But the work should be handled by the UPS division it is intended for. If its 50 boxes on a pallet delivered as a pallet then by all means freight should get it. If its 50 boxes on a pallet broken down at a building the delivered as 50 deliveries then its feeder/package work.
I don`t have a problem with you past your comment of "it`s just one feeder job". I feel it`s important to protect both our jobs. The previously mention package to my house wasn`t picked up as one lone package by Freight. It was on a pallet and broken down. That was feeder work. When they delivered one lone package to my house on a Freight semi, that was package work. Take all the packages together and that was part of some ones package route. The time to stop this is now when they first try it not when it`s past practice.