Well-Known Member
Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't anything you did they just didn't want you.
The last two days that I worked, my pph was 250+.
For the second time, I never went to HR. I was approached after our meetings upstairs by a girl who probably worked for HR and she asked me how things were going and I told her what happened. I just assumed being up front and honest was the smartest thing to do at the time, in case anything else were to happen down the road with the same supervisor.
So, what you guys are saying is that if anybody says anything that seems really off--to just keep it to yourself-- if you want to keep your job.
Apparently, I was wrong to think saying something about the supervisor was a good idea, if that's really what got me canned.
I didn't expect as much trash talk going in. I just thought it was a job and that everybody was supposed to respect each other. Guess not.
Thanks for understanding guys.
UPS doesn't pay you to think.
The last two days that I worked, my pph was 250+.
For the second time, I never went to HR. I was approached after our meetings upstairs by a girl who probably worked for HR and she asked me how things were going and I told her what happened. I just assumed being up front and honest was the smartest thing to do at the time, in case anything else were to happen down the road with the same supervisor.
So, what you guys are saying is that if anybody says anything that seems really off--to just keep it to yourself-- if you want to keep your job.
Apparently, I was wrong to think saying something about the supervisor was a good idea, if that's really what got me canned.
I didn't expect as much trash talk going in. I just thought it was a job and that everybody was supposed to respect each other. Guess not.
Thanks for understanding guys.
Every successful UPS employee has to have tough skin. You can't run and tell every time someone offends you. Some file greivances at the slightest offense, and then wonder why UPS ignores them when they have a legitimate concern. It's the "cry wolf" phenomenon. I don't know if telling HR about your issue got you fired. But I guarantee if you were marginal as a worker, that was what pushed you over. UPS doesn't want or need more complainers.
Hey, the more you know. Why do you guys keep bringing up the military?
Because there's a lot of similarities.
Such as?
They're both sausage fests.
Hey guys
I'm new to this forum, but have a pretty serious question.
I was hired about a month ago @ UPS, passed the training and first week. The other person that I trained with quit, because she said that she had a better job offer.
Anyway the training all seemed normal. They were firm with everything, but seemed fair. The supervisor on the ground told me the very first day, "Go home, nobody wants you here." This was not in a joking tone and it really bothered me. When I told my other co-workers they just laughed and said, "that's just him, he does that to everybody". But I was concerned so I still told the lady in HR and she said she would try to see if it could be resolved.
Whenever I had to clean the sides of my trailer I would bend at my knees to pick up the packages, but not go all the way down to the ground, because I was trying to keep my pph [packages per hour] at 300. Also when I would use my load stand every once in a while I would forget that the first step was there and just get off by stepping down the front. I didn't think that was a big deal, because I'm tall and the load stand is already not that big anyway.
Well, my supervisors all complained that I wasn't bending at the knees enough and not using my load stand properly. I would work with other employees that wouldn't even use the load stand and they were never told anything about it, but as soon as I didn't use it they would say something or write it down.
So today I had to sit down and talk to a manager and he said that because I was written up for not using my load stand properly and not bending at the knees enough that he "couldn't recommend my employment at United Parcel Services".
Nobody else was yelled at for not using the load stand the entire time I was working there. Could this be because I reported the supervisor he said something to me the first day?
Hey guys
I'm new to this forum, but have a pretty serious question.
I was hired about a month ago @ UPS, passed the training and first week. The other person that I trained with quit, because she said that she had a better job offer. whats a load stand
Anyway the training all seemed normal. They were firm with everything, but seemed fair. The supervisor on the ground told me the very first day, "Go home, nobody wants you here." This was not in a joking tone and it really bothered me. When I told my other co-workers they just laughed and said, "that's just him, he does that to everybody". But I was concerned so I still told the lady in HR and she said she would try to see if it could be resolved.
Whenever I had to clean the sides of my trailer I would bend at my knees to pick up the packages, but not go all the way down to the ground, because I was trying to keep my pph [packages per hour] at 300. Also when I would use my load stand every once in a while I would forget that the first step was there and just get off by stepping down the front. I didn't think that was a big deal, because I'm tall and the load stand is already not that big anyway.
Well, my supervisors all complained that I wasn't bending at the knees enough and not using my load stand properly. I would work with other employees that wouldn't even use the load stand and they were never told anything about it, but as soon as I didn't use it they would say something or write it down.
So today I had to sit down and talk to a manager and he said that because I was written up for not using my load stand properly and not bending at the knees enough that he "couldn't recommend my employment at United Parcel Services".
Nobody else was yelled at for not using the load stand the entire time I was working there. Could this be because I reported the supervisor he said something to me the first day?
Pt at ups is not worth sweating over. They did you a favor. I started loading thinking is was a job I could tell people where I work with pride. Now I envy people that work in retail jobs making more with alot less work. "but the opportunity to make good money here" Thats a farce! Been pt for over 7 years loading. I cant even pick off haha. I am starting to loose it with is job and just quit.