Fired for "stealing time"


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I would sign for a couple of people like that that I knew well who were either blind or couldn't hold the stylus. I only did it for a couple of people I trusted and would only do it when I was standing there next to them.
Whose name did you sign?

If you sign theirs, it is considered forgery and dishonesty which is a cardinal offense.

If you sign yours, it is a methods violation with the customer's disability being a legitimate justification.

Big difference.


nowhere special
Whose name did you sign?

If you sign theirs, it is considered forgery and dishonesty which is a cardinal offense.

If you sign yours, it is a methods violation with the customer's disability being a legitimate justification.

Big difference.

I would sign my own name. Which is why I only did it for a couple of people.


Well-Known Member
I have signed p.o.s. for proof of signature for a lady who answered the door while breast feeding her child. Wasn't about to make her stop that just to sign for a package.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Dishonesty means a deliberate attempt to conceal or distort the truth.

It is defined in the contract as "any action or omission with the intent to defraud the company".

I re-read the original post and by his own admission the OP intended to falsify his records and be paid for time not spent actually working. Per the labor agreement this is a terminable offense.

I am not seeing any mitigating factors that would justify bringing him back, and I do not think his Local should spend its member's dues money on arbitration.
CORRECTION I delivered them and then I stop completed them later. And to be honest I have no reason , I guess just to have more time for lunch.....something stupid

This would make a lot more sense had this been between the hours of and 1pm. Even then prerecorded stops can be completed in a few minutes if not seconds.