From the promised LAND
UPS is not required to have first aid kits anywhere but in the offices. BUT If your building does have first aids kits they are required to be fully stocked.
Wow, if you could have left it at this, we would have 100% agreement. As long as the kits are accessable......
But no, you had to put your personal spin on the subject
Quite honestly I am surprised buildings still have first aid kits that are accessible to hourly employees. Most buldings in my region have done away with the first aid kits. So if you have First Aids kits around your building and they are not stocked, UPS is in violation. My advice to any management people out there, is to take them down. Saved my district a ton of headaches.
And this activity was authorized by whom? Oh I get it, you are the UPS management answer man, do things your way or the high way. Yup, another good indicator the company is going under.
Once a kit is there, you dont have that right to remove them without corp approval.
Here is a perfect example of your ignorance. Item 12 is titled First Aid Kits. They only need to be accessible to management, and there is no set number on how many you need. I have done Facility Audits, and I have deducted points for not having the First Aid Kits stocked.
And how much for not having any kits? You claim you removed them all, what do you put down on the audit?
Two buildings of the same size had First Aid Kits. One had 30 First Aid kits and the other had 4. Both buildings First Aid Kits were in compliance and the both were awarded the same amount of points. This has been a hot topic lately and when I talk to other managers, I tell them to take them down.
Again, renegade sup. I guess that gives you a false sense of power.
You cheap union people steal the contents of the First Aid kits so you don't have to buy band aids and ice packs at home anyhow.
And I would be you cheap management people dont steal? Put your money where your mouth is, if there is actually an issue, deal with it. After all, you are super sup. You know and can deal with everything.
As for the injury, unless the employee can not assist himself, company procedures prohibit assisting even the most simple injury, as the sups do not have the proper training for medical assistance.
And as such, they do not have the ability to diagnose your injury. Of course, you dont want to take a trip to the ER for a scratch, but remember, there needs to be some sort of paperwork filled out on the injury, regardless of the severity.
Think of it this way.
Auto accidents. If you were to just barely bump another vehicle, or a light pole, doing only very minor damage, they want a complete accident report filled out, and non compliance will cost you your job.
Now, why should injuries be any different. But yet it is, due to the attitude of the center team to try to hide injuries, and the severity.
If it lays the skin layer open, always, always always go to the ER. Cover your behind.