First day of IRS hearing end with a THUD...!


golden ticket member
[h=2]CNN Poll: 54% Say Republicans In Congress Are “Acting Appropriately” In Dealing With IRS Scandal…[/h]More bad news for the left who have been claiming the “real scandal” is the GOP’s response to the IRS scandal.
Via CNN:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What came out of the IRS hearings? More talking points, no proof of anything, as usual.

Look for this story to die a slow death on FOX news. Only the lonely will continue to harp on this issue.

Citizens United caused this mess, but you drones are too "st*p*d" to understand .




Well-Known Member
What came out of the IRS hearings? More talking points, no proof of anything, as usual.

Look for this story to die a slow death on FOX news. Only the lonely will continue to harp on this issue.

Citizens United caused this mess, but you drones are too "st*p*d" to understand .



Well actually, once again....there's ample proof of Obama appointed socialists and "it's our turn now" racists abusing their power. They were being called out on it almost two years ago by the ACLJ. Now they can't hide from the truth and they are in damage control mode.

Your not stupid at all. Your an easily mislead gullible government trusting fool. What more proof is needed to show that the IRS is to big and too corrupt? Your a willfully blind partisan leftist apologist fool. And a bad one at that.


golden ticket member
The daily caller? Hasnt TUCKER CARLSON been outed as a liar already for his prostitution story? Oh did you forget that one?

How did that SCANDAL work out for you?

The SCUM that is right wing media.



So, instead of addressing the fact that the address is attack the source..............typical Obama-tactics.

Show the shiny object and run !!!

The trouble is you probably won't find this story on MSNBC because they won't report anything that might hurt his majesty!!