First day of IRS hearing end with a THUD...!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
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Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When she gave that opening statement she waived her right to plead the 5th. In order to plead the 5th you can't make any statement or decide to answer only some questions. Its all or nothing. Silent or you have to answer questions.

What are you basing your understanding of Constitutional Law on? Issa's view? Got news for you sport, Issa is not a Constitution expert, or expert anything, other than car thief.

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
Bob, I mean BigBob. I have no idea what you are trying to infer. Everyone knows you are a pudgy (I'm being kind) white guy.

Not everyone. I know him as a very thin African American, who has put in his time. If I was to call him and thank him for his service, I would not call him Bob. But hey, whatever makes you feel better.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't the republicans blowing it up that pushed it to the fore front. It was the IRS publicly admitting they were targeting the president's political opponents. And if I recall correctly there were several news stories last summer of tea party organizations being targeted/harassed by the IRS, but it wasn't taken very seriously until the IRS finally admitted to doing so.
And at the best time for this. After the 2012 election, and way before the 2014 elections.


Well-Known Member
What came out of the IRS hearings? More talking points, no proof of anything, as usual.

Look for this story to die a slow death on FOX news. Only the lonely will continue to harp on this issue.

Citizens United caused this mess, but you drones are too "st*p*d" to understand .



White House visitor logs, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House 118 times
in 2010 and 2011.

This is the same time period when Tea Party groups were targeted and intimidated by the IRS.

Just a coincidence and of course the President never knew until he read it in the paper.
