Well-Known Member
White House visitor logs, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House 118 times
in 2010 and 2011.
How do you feel about the fact that this man is a Bush appointee?
White House visitor logs, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House 118 times
in 2010 and 2011.
How do you feel about the fact that this man is a Bush appointee?
Seems to me you'd have to compare the number of visits to the WH in other years to first determine if this number is abnormal. If it is, then the question would be why and take it from there.
It is interesting that an IRS official can plead the 5th amendment and other than verbal jockeying for the value of talking points, it's all but accepted anyway. However, if any of us mere mortals were to claim the 5th amendment on our tax returns, we'd go to jail.
I shake my head at that fact (a Bush appointee), as I also shake my head over the President learning of this
"problem" in the media.
Any more, I really believe we need term limits for the Congress, as they also voted him in.
Do you really think terms limits will make the difference? If it does, then how do you explain when Congress swings back and forth during election cycles like 1994' and then back the other way in 2006' and then a minor swing in 2010' and yet other than talking points, nothing if any real substance actually changes? Regardless of what you do or the gimmicks you come up with, the system is rigged and where it really counts, the outcomes will never change for the better to most of us.
At least the McCains, Hatches, Leahys, Rangels etc would not have such a choke hold.
People, when given power, can eventually be corrupted by it.
Bob, I mean BigBob. I have no idea what you are trying to infer. Everyone knows you are a pudgy (I'm being kind) white guy.
Bob, I mean BigBob. I have no idea what you are trying to infer. Everyone knows you are a pudgy (I'm being kind) white guy.
I personally know necro. He is a thin African American gentleman who can swim and likes to.Bob, I mean BigBob. I have no idea what you are trying to infer. Everyone knows you are a pudgy (I'm being kind) white guy.
Seems to me you'd have to compare the number of visits to the WH in other years to first determine if this number is abnormal. If it is, then the question would be why and take it from there.
It is interesting that an IRS official can plead the 5th amendment and other than verbal jockeying for the value of talking points, it's all but accepted anyway. However, if any of us mere mortals were to claim the 5th amendment on our tax returns, we'd go to jail.
Bob, I mean BigBob. I have no idea what you are trying to infer. Everyone knows you are a pudgy (I'm being kind) white guy.
At the end of the day nobody is more smug and arrogant than Barack Obama. Still, Lerner comes close.
Have known Necropostophiliac for some time; his name isn't Bob, but he is a black retired UPSer.
No worries.My apologies for mistaking him for a banned member.