One thing to watch.
A trick they try to nail drivers on dishonesty...
The sup may act like buddies with you all day.
Then he asks you...
"Do you want me to skip his driving demo" or mirror adjustment station or something else.
You say "I don't care"
He says "OK, but if someone asks you, say we did it so I don't get in trouble "
Then after the ride, different manager asks you if he did the demo...
You will feel obligated to lie for your sup.
It is sometimes a trap. The sup at that point without you present may say no, I didn't do the demo.
Now you are terminated for dishonesty.
If they ask you questions about your ride the answer is...I am not sure.
If the sup asks if he can skip something, say no.
If any sup covers for you on little things it is often just manipulation to gain your trust. They will throw you to the dogs when it actually matters.