I agree, but there is a certain contingent that wants a strike. Look at that whole vote no fiasco on Facebook. They are lead by a guy who hasn't worked for United Parcel in over 3 years and has nothing but animosity for the Teamsters and UPS. He will probably never set foot in another UPS again, but banters about like some sort of martyr. Vote no Vote no. I say give them what they want. I have enough years in. If we strike and lose a considerable amount of volume I will work. It will be hard to explain it to the guys who no longer do, but if it's what they want. Then so be it.
The general public working outside of this company don't know what we deal with. Some presume that they know but they don't.
They also don't know that many of us have worked many years breaking rocks just to find that our pensions, the reward for all of this longevity, are evaporating before our eyes. There's two different planes here, ours and theirs. The normal job vs the micromanaged and highly harassed vocation.
So there's two dynamics at play here.
But destroy our pensions and many will walk. Many won't budge on that issue.
So pick your poison here but count the cost because the general public doesn't understand what we do nor can they believe the compensation package that we get (without a degree) and the competition is just waiting for the dam to break.
Be careful what you ask for because you may get it.