Lies!!It was an anti-Hoffa administration that got the Las Vegas Republic Services members above $6 an hour. Now under a new Hoffa regime they've frozen the pension increases as to allow the 396 members to catch up. Ron H has been embarrassed by his horrible performance in negotiations.
Same thing in So Cal, both Tod M and his bottling negotiator Frank "the Rat" S in San Diego were upset that new anti-Hoffa Administration at Local 186 headed by Abel G got more in general wage increases and pension contributions at Coca Cola.
The same thing at Sysco and US Foods. The new Local 186 administration negotiated higher wages and pension contributions at these two barns than the rest of the neighboring locals ran by Hoffa puppets like Randy C @ 63 and Eric T @ 848.
Please tell me why an anti-Hoffa local is doing better at negotiations than the pro-Hoffa ran locals?