How can you say that when there supposedly hasn't even been any negotiations yet???
Doesn't that make you just like anHOURover when you venture to prognosticate such a thing before the negotiations even start.
What I find suspicious is that I have now heard this same mantra from several people who claim to be
"in the know".
Reminds me of the same canned speech the last six Division Managers spouted in my building, when they claimed to have never had an accident or injury because the live by
"the methods".
It's obvious, if you listen closely, when people are reading from the same script.
What I predict, is more of the same, as the players at the table have not changed.
This game of musical chairs hasn't sold me, no matter how tough Sean O and the rest of you think he is.
Because at the end of the day, it's like when I was a kid sitting on Dad's lap steering the tractor, thinking I was the one making it all happen, when in reality nothing happened and not a turn was made, or a blade of grass cut, unless he approved.