Here is one for you Hoaxster, Freight drivers are more qualified with the hazmat endorsment that Package drivers do not possess. That alone makes them eligible for the same compensation.
Convince the market of that and make it work. Hell it may be because of that, Freight should be compensated more.
In Small Package, that responsibility has been placed on the shipper so the Small Package Driver essentially has to make sure the documentation provided by the shipper is in the cab area so in the case of an accident, the first responders will be able to understand any danger.
Additionally, Haz Mat shipments in Small package are required by the shipper to be in smaller quantities.
Regardless, compensation is based on ROI (Return on Investment) and profitability.
The instant UPS stops making money on small package, it will be gone (unless the national Government steps in).
UPS exists to return a good ROI to its shareholders.
I have no problem with Freight Drivers getting as much compensation as they can but it is irrational to compare Small Package to TL/LTL. They are two different Business Models and two different business entities.
I would have no problem with Freight Drivers making more than Small Package Drivers if the Freight business model supported that.
My posts have been intended to expose my opinion that Small Package and Freight are different businesses and appropriate employee compensation in each are not related. If I strayed from that, I apologize.